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Friskas office is dimmed with red led lights and a purple sign in the window that says "Bad Decisions Make Good Stories" I take in that saying while Friska finishes her glass of cherry wine. She lowers her glass, exhaling from her dark red lips. She's so painfully beautiful. Her long black hair. Her seductive siren eyes and taunting lips. She had stopped me as I entered the club to talk.

She taps the desk as her eyes narrow with guilt, "Jesse told me what happened." She begins. Her eyes darting at me with anger. Angry at the situation. "Verena, why didn't you tell me?"

I remain in silent. Feeling like I'm at fault. That this could have been avoided if I had just told her. That I should have stayed on that stage and did my part. "I'm sorry." I softly say, a break in my voice.

"Why are you sorry? You were harmed under my protection." She sighs. Disappointed with herself but it feels like she's dealt with this before. If so, why hasn't she done anything about it? Like the exit door. Make one that isn't in the alley way. Well, I can't blame that on her. I didn't know there was a second exit.

"Nothing happened." I softly say, trying to act as if there wasn't a lie behind it. I refrain from looking at her and narrow my eyes at my hands, "I managed to get away. And I left the club the second I was free."

"I'm glad you managed to get away. Hopefully it'll never happen again." Friska says, pulling her attention to her laptop and begins clicking. She rubs at her chin, fingers hiding her lips. "There's also this." She turns the laptop, showing me a recording of the alley way. Jungkook is in view, pointing the gun at that guy. My body stills in the leather chair. I feel guilty of some kind of crime I didn't commit. But I also didn't report it.

"This happened the night you were spotted on the security camera exiting from the dressing room. That door leads to this alley way." Her eyes search into me as she interrogates. My back and palms sweat. I want to get out of here. I don't like this feeling.

"Verena. Were you there when this man was killed?" She asks, pointing at the victim kneeling on the ground. His jeans soaked at the knees as he looks up with regret.

"I-" The words are unable to come out. I was warned to not say anything and I even promised that I wouldn't. Jungkook is against the meaning of trust as is. If I tell Friska anything. I'm dead. "I didn't know that anyone was there. The garbage can was in the way."

"Hmm," she hums to herself. Nodding as she turns the laptop back around. She breaths out, sounding like she wants to believe but doesn't at the same time.

"What...happened to him?" I suddenly ask, leaning forward a little. I probably shouldn't be asking. Seeming interested in a man's body after a killing is suspicious.

"Who? The killer or the victim?" She asks, eyes glued to her laptop.

"The victim." I answer with a sore throat. High alert for anything I might be concerned about. I have to be careful, or else the killer will be identified. Then he'll kill me.

Friska pours the rest of the wine and slides an extra glass towards me. The wine swaying back and forth as it stops near the end of the table. "He was dumped in that very garbage can with a bullet in his head." She answers calmly with no remorse. "He was found this morning by the garbage people." She leans back In her chair, "I almost had to close the club but the police changed their minds."

"Why? A man was murdered." I ask out of honesty. It sounds stupid for the police to just give up on a killing. A killing with no story and no reason when really, there was. Me.

"They're certain he'll come back." They are certain? If only they knew that he was parked out front right now. Her mood changes as she proceeds doing whatever with her laptop. "So," she adds with a sigh, "I'll increase the security. Put two at the end of the stage. I'll have maintenance install an alarm on the exit in the alley way. It'll be locked and the only way to enter or exit is if you have an ID card." She informs while typing rapidly. She taps the enter button and places her arms at the sides of the laptop. "Sound good?"

RIDE OR DIE|Jungkook ff18+Where stories live. Discover now