The Art of Fighting (Zheng Bao Yu, aka Cursed Lotus)

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She was walking around New York, trying to get the feeling of the city. She had just recently gotten off of the aircraft that she rode to be able to arrive at the city that her brother currently stayed at and wanted to sightsee the place before visiting him. She could admit that they were not as close as she ultimately wished for them to be, yet even she knew that it was because of the way that they were raised. She had many brothers and sisters, yet she was not even close to a single one. But she had been trying to change that.

It was the sole reason that she was here in New York. Already having called her brother to let him know that she would be visiting him soon enough. She just sighed; her eyes clearly distracted by the incoming attack. As soon as she realized it though, it was too late to even do something about it. But her eyes widened in surprise, her feet off the ground as she stared directly into a red mask with white lenses.

"Didn't your mother teach you to never hit a lady?" The masculine voice managed to make her blink in confusion. Glancing back at the place that she once was, she could see just how the floor had a small bullet that had bounced off the ground. She widened her eyes knowing full well that she had almost died if it wasn't for the arachnid hero saving her life. She was ashamed of herself for not noticing the previous incoming bullet. "For shame"

She didn't even hear whatever was said next, her eyes focusing just how Spider-Man alongside Ant Man were dealing with the thugs that were around. But her eyes were mainly focused on the arachnid hero, looking just how every move he made was calculated and precise. She had never seen that fighting style before, which ultimately intrigued her beyond belief. She was a woman who loved to learn about many martial arts and seeing that the arachnid was using one that she had never seen before picked her interest greatly.

It wasn't long before the two heroes would deal with every thug around. Internally, she was still cursing herself for not reacting to the previous attack and needed to be saved by the arachnid hero. Though if she had moved, she probably wouldn't know of this new martial art that she had seen from the hero that had saved her. She walked towards the duo, her eyes focused on the arachnid hero and completely ignoring the other hero present.

"Excuse me..." She immediately said, making both heroes look at her in confusion. She had to know where the man had learned that fighting style. And if it was possible, learn it herself. She was fascinated by how the hero moved. It held no wasted movement, each strike and pose serving a motive in the art of attack, defense and evasion. "My name is Zheng Bao Yu, a martial art expert, and I am deeply intrigued by yours, Spider-Man" She introduced herself, trying to let the arachnid hero know quickly her intentions. She was also thankful for being rescued, something that she would probably remember to tell the hero later on. But she needed her answers first, it was eating her curiosity greatly. "I was wondering where you learned it and if you are able to teach me your fighting style"

"Well... A friend of mine helped me create it a long time ago" She nodded her head, ignoring just how the other red colored hero was now talking to the arriving officers about the thugs. She cared little about what had happened mere moments ago. If she had been more focused, none of the thugs would even be alive in the first place. But seeking a way to learn such a style was more important than some thugs that were already down for the count. "And... I don't know... Shang said that it was specifically created to suit my powers, so-"

"Did... Did you say Shang... As in Shang Chi?" She hated being rude, but just hearing the first half of her brother's name was enough to make her slightly angry at her brother. He knew this new fighting style and he had the balls to not tell her about it? She knew that they weren't remotely close for him to tell her in the first place, but she had hoped that he would have mentioned it now that they were finally connecting as brother and sister. She even tightened her fists just looking at how the arachnid hero nodded his head in response.

"Actually, yes. How do you-"

"He is my brother..." Her teeth were grinding against each other. Though she needed to know something beforehand. To know everything before she would confront her brother about it in the first place. She hoped that her unasked interrogative was false. Because if it wasn't, she was going to kick back and forth her brother for not letting her know about it. "Say... Out of curiosity, is my brother able to use your fighting style?"

"Maybe? He helped me create it in the first place... Wouldn't put it past him to not know it" It was then that she had decided to pummel her brother. Just knowing this fighting style was a huge boost for her repertoire. But she needed to think clearly now, get the arachnid to teach her his fighting style. She knew that with enough force, she would convince her brother to teach her, but if she was able to make the arachnid hero teach her then there was a possibility that she would be able to learn even more about the fighting style.

"Could you maybe teach me? I would love to learn it" She smiled, her eyes looking at him with a small dangerous tint to them. Her normally squinted eyes, thanks to her Asiatic origins, were narrowed even further. By any means necessary, she was going to learn that fighting style. She hated seducing men left and right, but she could make an exception. Not only did the arachnid hero know a fighting style that she wanted to learn, but the man had saved her life. She was more than happy to use her prowess in seduction to get what she wanted. "We could even go for a drink some time~"

"I-I'll... I'll t-think about it..." A sensual smirk appeared over her face as she quickly looked over to the purse she had over her right shoulder. She would have to thank one of her employees one of these days. It was thanks to him telling her about making small cards with her contact information that she was able to get more clients to participate in her deals. Taking one of the cards, she walked closer to the arachnid hero. She gifted the card to the man, closing the proximity between the two as her lips were mere inches from his right ear.

"Good... Hopefully you will call soon, handsome~" She started to walk away. Her mission was complete, the seed planted exactly where she wanted. It was just a matter of time before the arachnid hero would call her to plan a day where she would be able to learn his fighting style. But in the meantime, she was going to visit her brother and teach him a lesson. She will teach him not to hide any other fighting style from her, one that she was going to teach him with her fist. She also licked her lips as she glanced back, admiring the hero once more. Maybe he was willing to teach her a variety of moves, both from his fighting style and from more... practical usages.

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