chapter nine: love is worth fighting for

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A week later

We drove to KZN yesterday and checked into a hotel near Ntsikelelo's house.

We're currently on our way to Ntsikelelo's original home, for me to be welcomed as the new bride and introduced to the ancestors.

We finally arrive at 06:00 and there's a singing competition going on between the two families and Ntsikelelo's family finally opens after a whole process, I don't even know what was going on.

I am then welcomed into the yard and taken to a separate room where they do a whole introduction the ancestors and we come out after a while. A lot of stuff was down after that, including gifting my in-laws.

All of this finally ends at around 19:00.

I then leave with my family because guess what? My white wedding is tomorrow.


Here i am, walking down the aisle. This is so crazy but who cares because I love him.

Mvula by Langa Mavuso is playing as I walk down the aisle.

My brother is the one walking me down the aisle. We finally stop and they exchange some words. He then hands me over to Ntsikelelo.

Ntsi: you look beautiful.
Uya: thank you.

"We are gathered here today to bless the union of Ntsikelelo Dlamini and Uyathandwa Sibkeo."

After talking for a while he finally says...

Pastor: do you have your own vows?
Us: yes, we do.
Pastor: i ask that the kids bring the rings

I do not know who decided to send JJ but here he is handing the rings to his dad. Ntsikelelo takes them and gives them to the priest.

Junior then starts crying.

I quickly grab him and his dad hugs us until Junior stops crying.

Guests: awwwww.

I put him down and I hold his hand.

Pastor: shall we proceed?

We nod is unison and then he prays for the rings and asks that everyone pray and bless our marriage.

After that, he allows us to say our vows. We say our vows and then say the "repeat after me" ones and wear our rings.

Pastor: by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.

We did as told, much to Ntsikelelo's excitement. We then turned to the guests and raised our hands with the rings on them.

We then went outside of the venue with people ululating and whistling.

We then went to Ntsikelelo's house to change, this time around into traditional attire but I chose sotho traditional attire for this.

I am wearing a long dress with those patterns, it's tight on the top and free flowing at the bottom. It has nice long sleeves and I'm wearing a white blanket over my shoulder. Junior and his dad are wearing matching 3 piece suits, with the sotho traditional attire pattern.

We then go to reception which is in a hotel near Ntsikelelo's house but not the same one that my family is booked into. At reception, everyone says their speeches, mostly intended on embarrassing us.

Thando: my love, my best friend, I can't believe this is you. Married and now a mother to a two year old.

She says waving at Junior who is sitting on my lap and drinking his juice.

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