chapter thirty-one: back to life

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We wake up the next morning and get ready to take Junior to his grandmother. I pack his clothes, toys and other stuff that he may need or want. I also pack more clothes for Nkosi. I can't wait to see my baby.

When I'm done, Ntsikelelo takes the bags to the car. We place Junior in his car seat and off we go.

As he's driving, Ntsikelelo holds my hand.

Ntsi: how are you feeling?
Uya: I'm okay.
Ntsi: how is the baby?

He asks rubbing my belly with his one hand.

Uya: the baby is fine but we're really hungry.

I look up at the rearview mirror and see Junior already sleeping.

Uya: let's stop at Spur.
Ntsi: okay.

He drives to a nearby mall and we go to Spur. We have some food and let Junior play for a little while before hitting the road yet again.

We finally get home after a while and we are welcomed by my mom, my baby brother, my son and niece playing outside in the garden. Ntsikelelo parks the car in the driveway and we get out. My baby runs to hug me.

I pick him up and hug him tightly.

Nkosi: mommy! no squeeze, mama! no!

I put him down and laugh. He runs over to his dad who just picks him up. I hug everyone and so does Junior, followed by his dad.

Uya: when did Kayise get here?
Mom: it's been a while, I just wanted all of my babies.

I nod and we walk inside.

After a few hours together, Ntsikelelo and I decide to leave. My babies don't want me to leave so they start crying. Their screaming breaking my heart and the tears flowing down their faces shattering my heart.

We get in the car and Ntsikelelo drives off. I wipe my tears but lose control of them because they just fall out. I cry the whole ride home with Ntsikelelo trying his best to comfort me. After a while, we finally get home.

I go upstairs, get in the shower and take a shower. I then get out, lotion my body and wear pajamas.

I head downstairs and make some lasagne because that's what I'm craving tonight. After making it, I dish up and we eat. He then exits the room after eating so I clean up and wash the dishes.

After I place it in the stove, I head outside for some fresh air but I can hear Ntsikelelo arguing with someone over the phone.

Ntsi: get rid of it! I don't care, just do it!

He hangs up and walks back towards me, not realising I'm there.

Uya: get rid of what?

He looks up, looking speechless.

Ntsi: uhm nothing. baby, we need to pack. ma asked that we come visit her for a few days.

I just nod and walk back inside and he follows behind. I pack some clothes in two suitcases. I pack our toiletries and all that we will need. I take a shower, get out, lotion my body and wear some pajamas. I get into bed, Ntsikelelo is not here so he's probably in the study, working. I read a book on Wattpad until I eventually fall asleep.

I'm woken up by his strong, muscular arms wrapping themselves around me as he pulls me closer to him. I turn around and look into his eyes. He looks down and starts rubbing my belly, which excites the baby because the baby starts kicking.

He looks at me and kisses me.

Ntsi: I love you and thank you.
Uya: I love you too.
Ntsi: just one more after this one.
Uya: no.
Ntsi: but baby...
Uya: no.
Ntsi: okay.

He kisses my forehead and I lay my head on his chest.

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