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"Bye, LiLi, I'm going to work. I'll see you later." Niall smiled to Liam as he grabbed his phone and keys and was out the door, only he managed to go in through the back door and watched Liam and Louis. Niall didn't actually have to go to work; it was his day off and he planned on watching Liam all day just to see how he reacted and responded to Niall not being around.

The first part of the morning was okay. Liam responded well with Niall watching. The only time Niall actually left was to go get food, but he was back quickly to watch Liam.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Niall started noticing things. The way Liam would clench and unclench his fists, or the way he would close his eyes. Finally, after the fifth hour, Niall texted Louis saying he got out early and was on his way home.

Louis knew the plan. Niall was standing outside looking in,  and when Louis texted back asking why, Niall said to check out his eyes and clenching his f ists.

When Niall looked at Louis, he could definitely see Louis's reaction.

Make an excuse as to why you came home early from work. Louis said to Niall.

Niall walked in not even two minutes later. "Hey, LiLi, work was dead so I was able to come home early. Everything going okay?" Niall had noticed how Liam's eyes had returned to normal and he was unclenching. Maybe it has something to do with me. Maybe I calm him down. He thought.

"Was good." Liam mumbled.

Both Niall and Louis looked at Liam. "Say that again."

Liam looked at both of them and ran into the bathroom.

"Did something right." Niall said.

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Calmed down for me."

"Not to mention, he talked." Louis added.

"Now to find out why he keeps getting frustrated and running away all the time." Niall concluded.

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