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Niall had just left for work leaving Liam and Louis. Louis was really excited whereas Liam was completely nervous.

He didn't know what to think.

On the one hand, he was happy someone was willing to help and teach him to be a regular person. On the other hand, he was extremely scared. What if his other side suddenly made an appearance? That...was what he was most nervous about.

He and Louis had been teaching for about an hour and were making little to no progress. Louis was trying extremely hard not to scream at Liam, while Liam was trying to prevent his other side from coming out.

In the end, he had to run to the bathroom and was locked up in there for an hour and a half.

"Hey, LouLou, how'd it go?" Niall asked as he set his things down.

"Horrible. He didn't even try. Hejust kept looking at me like he wanted to kill me. His eyes even turned a darker color."

Niall sighed. "He'll get there. Just give him time. You got to remember he's been on the streets for however long. He probably doesn't even remember how to talk or read or write. Just be patient. He'll get there."

Louis sighed. "I hope you're right."

"Speaking of Liam, where is he?"

"He's been in the bathroom for the past two hours and hasn't come out yet."

Niall sighed and walked to the bathroom. "LiLi, I know you're in there. Louis ratted you out. Come on. Come out. Let's talk."

Niall heard the door unlock and slowly open. Blue met brown and Niall smiled a little. "Now was that so hard?"

Liam turned his head to the side. Niall sighed again. "Come on. You can help me make dinner. I'm thinking stuffed shells." Niall smiled.

"I second that motion!" Louis hollered causing Liam to flinch. The more Liam stayed, the more comfortable he became.

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