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please kiss me more

you can kiss me

whenever, wherever you want
and i won’t refuse if you paint
these pale lips red, especially
if your soft, delicate lips
can combine power and magic.

never stop kissing me

in the dress section of lammart;
in the parking lot of magic mall;
in the famous park of baguio city;
at the end of the bridge to wilderness;
or even in your room for hours and hours.

you can also kiss me when

you want to silence me,
you want to seduce me,
you want to get my attention,
you want to assure me,
or you want to let me know i’m yours.

and don’t forget to kiss me

every time we talk on the phone
and we bid our goodbyes,
every time you ride to tandoc terminal
and say call me when you get home,
every time we eat nuggets and liver,
and every time i start to lean closer to your face,
or every time you’re scared to lose me.

you know you can kiss me

until your lips feel numb
from repeatedly touching
my body in any part—
my ears, neck, breasts.
or until i feel my lips
naked, exposed, being explored,
peering into my soul.

kiss me that can flow rivers and streams.

kiss me that can shake thunder.

kiss me that can make knees weak.

kiss me that can comfort butterflies.

kiss me that can make flowers dance.

kiss me that can make tongues mingle.

kiss me that can confuse stomachs.

kiss me that can unite two heartbeats.

kiss me that can make me forget and remember.

kiss me that can impress me with how excited you are to see me.

kiss me that e can utter no words but only the language that our tongues both speak.

please kiss me more.

manuel of la brea Where stories live. Discover now