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Bertholdt lost contact with Eren about two weeks later.

It would be a long time before he saw him again. Now he had more important matters at hand. Two years later the Marley Military finally overtook Fort Salva, and brought and end to the war with the west.

Bertholdt leaned against the train car as a drunk group of soldiers hoisted Gabi in the air, chanting her name.

"I wish they wouldn't let my brother drink" Falco said as he watched the celebration.

"Well he might as well enjoy life before he's cursed"  Bertholdt mumbled.


"I said he's going to have one h*ll of a hangover"

Falco was silent for a moment.

"She's gonna get the Colossal isn't she or the Armored if Reiner even gets rescued"

Bertholdt pulled Falco to a corner of the train car.

"Look, I made a promise to Reiner, that I wouldn't let Gabi be doomed to this life, and I intend to keep that promise"

Falco's face went a tad red. "If...if I can prove that I'm better, then...."

Bertholdt felt a pain in his chest. Two years ago he didn't have any problem with sacrificing Falco in place of Gabi. But now he was having second thoughts. He looked to Colt then back to Falco. It wasn't fair.

"Because I'll do whatever it takes to protect Gabi." Falco said.

Bertholdt could see he wasn't going to back down.

"Well if I have it my way, no one will have to inherit a Titan"

"What do you mean by that Mr. Hoover?"

"Nothing" he said patting Falco on the head. "Forget I said anything".

Falco helped his hungover brother off the train.

"Colt pull yourself together before we see mom and dad"

"I'm tryin" he mumbled. But his pale face was not a promising sign.

Gabi was full of energy as she ran towards her family. Bertholdt was close behind.

"I heard someone was the big hero at Fort Salva" Karina said. "Reiner would be so proud."

Gabi beamed with pride. Bertholdt could see the worry on her parents faces.

Despite Bertholdt's best efforts Gabi was a proper Eldian, by Marley standards.

"Bertholdt are you joining us for dinner this evening"

"Sure Mrs. Braun, just going to go home and rest for a bit first"

Once Bertholdt was finally alone, he made his way to his fathers bed room. He lifted up the loose floorboard. He looked at the new letter he had. His "housekeeper" was taking a big risk acting as a messenger.

He poured a glass of scotch and opened the coded message from Hange.

"So they've heard from Eren finally" he mumbled to no one.

As he read on he learned of the surprise ambush that they scouts were planning to retrieve Eren. According the Hange's tone she was too thrilled with Eren going rouge.

They would be here in three days. Right when Lord Tybur was set to visit, he was having some big gathering with world leaders.

Bertholdt's job was to incapacitate the Cart and Jaw Titan. He was a bit curious as to why Zeke wasn't mentioned, but he just assumed Levi was planning to take care of him.

He hated the idea of betraying Pieck and Porco, but he knew what needed to be done.

Bertholdt struck a match and lit the letter on fire, letting turn to ash in his fire place.

"Bertholdt it's so good to see you" Gabi's mother said.

"Always a pleasure."

He sat down at the table next to Gabi's father. "I'm glad you all made it home alive" he said quietly.

Bertholdt nodded in agreement.

"I hear Gabi pulled a dangerous stunt..." he said.

"Yeah and it won us Fort Salva" Gabi said defiantly as she sat down. "One step closer to inheriting the Colossal"

"Gabi!" Her mother said, sending a sympathetic look to Bertholdt.

"It's alright, I've made peace with it." He said calmly. "But remember it's not really hot to me. The higher ups decide that, also Reiner may come back"

"Do you think so?" Gabi asked hopefully.

"I mean-"

"Don't put that nonsense in her head. Those nasty devils don't have an ounce of compassion. I bet that Levi Zeke warned us about has his titan now" Karina said sternly.

Bertholdt held his tongue. He had been assured that Reiner was still alive and safe. But he couldn't tell them that.

"Just being optimistic" he said lightly trying to ease the tension.

"Your time over their must have been awful" Gabi said.

Before he could answer Karina cut in.

"Of course it was, surround by those evil devils, we are just glad he came back alive" she said patting him on the shoulder.

" really don't wanna talk about it"

"Well to change the subject, the Tybur family will be arriving in Libero tomorrow. Heard it's going to be huge. He's got a major announcement planned in regards to the island" Gabi's father said.

"Whatever it is, I just feel like some big is coming" Gabi said.

"You're not wrong Gabi" Bertholdt thought.

"Bertholdt can I speak to you for a moment?" Karina asked as they cleared the table.

"Sure Mrs. Braun, why don't we step out side"

Bertholdt said goodbye to the rest of the Braun family.

As soon as the door closed, Karina faced Bertholdt.

"You have to stop this Bertholdt!" She said sternly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Filling Gabi's head with these fantasies of Reiner being alive, you of all people should know how awful those people are."

"Karina, I just don't want Gabi going down the same path as Reiner did. When we were there, Reiner, it was like he was two different people"

"What are you trying to say?"

Bertholdt had to choose his words carefully.

"Reiner was...very loyal, but he also had an empathic side to him. Our time there was hard but not for the reasons you think, or the reasons you keep feeding to Gabi."

"Gabi needs to know the truth"

"And you know the truth?" Bertholdt shot back.

"I just need Gabi to be selected-"

"Why? You have your status, Reiner made sure of that. What need do you have for her to be selected as a warrior?"

"For our family, if she's selected, then that means an even higher status for our family"

"You mean for you" Bertholdt said flatly.

Karina was silent, but Bertholdt could feel the tension in the air.

"You know that's not why Reiner joined..."

"This conversation is over Karina, I'm going home"

Before she could speak Bertholdt turned on his heal and headed into the night.

To be Continued

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