Never Forget

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After the very uncomfortable evening by the fire, the group moved on towards the south harbor.

Jean refused to make eye contact with Reiner and Bertholdt, and Bertholdt didn't blame him.

Bertholdt made sure to keep Annie far from Levi, as he was starting to get a bit of his strength back.

"Levi won't be so forgiving"

Jean's words echoed in his head. Bertholdt remembered having to collect the dead bodies. Annie hadn't just killed them...she had broken them.

He was also keeping his eye on Mikasa, she didn't easily forget or forgive their betrayal either.

As they came upon the crest of the cliff, Hange pulled out a pair of binoculars and looked below.

"We have a problem. Take a look" she handed Onyonkapon the binoculars.


Yelena let out a laugh. "What were you expecting, for them to let you guys waltz in there. They know you are trying to stop Eren"

"Bertholdt maybe if you used your Titan, transform over the sea..."

"Hange we had an agreement. I'm not using my Titan"

"Maybe Annie and I could distract them, let you guys get aboard..."

Annie shot Reiner a look.

"You don't really have much bargaining room here Annie" Miaksa said sharply.

"Let's keep that as a plan B." Hange said. "I want to keep casualties to a minimum"

"Hange I think I have an idea"

Sasha was posted up by a few trees with clear shots to the port deck. She insisted that she was fine to shoot, despite the pain in her shoulder. She volunteered to provide cover for Hange and Onyonkapon as they got Levi down the cliff side.

Gabi had offered to take her place, but Sasha refused. "I'm not going to have any more deaths weight on your conscience" had been her reasoning.

Bertholdt was hiding behind an outcrop. Rifle ready, providing cover for Magath, Connie and Armin as they snuck their way down to one of the ships.

Onyonkapon and Hange were rousing Levi to his feet.

Reiner and Annie were making their way done the slope of the cliff, ready to use their titans if needed. Miaksa close by for support.

Pieck was in charge of the kids. Ready to transform if needed to get them aboard the ship.

Bertholdt looked through his scope and saw a good opportunity for a distraction. He scanned the port, finally settling on a stack of barrels on the far side.

The soldiers jumped to attention at the commotion of the barrels exploding clearly a path for Armin, Magath, and Connie.

Things seemed to be going according to plan until a blur of green flashed by his scope.

Her heard Sasha fire her rifle, and a Jeagerist fell from the air, dead.


The Jeagerists had found them. Bertholdt moved from his position. "Reiner, Annie! Plan B!!"

Reiner pulled a knife out of his pocket and Annie bit her hand, the sky lit up as the Armored Titan and the Female
Titan appeared.

Miaksa took the the air and landed on Annie's shoulder.

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