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Author's Note: That is Northern Elm High School. The school Amber and the rest attend. I did the collage by the way :p

Chapter 32


Everyone from the crowd gasped. They were either looking at me or at the red opened box that was thrown on the floor. I slapped my hand over my mouth and broke into tears. Stumbling back, I didn't want to look at anyone. I didn't even want to be here anymore.

The air around me felt thick and uncomfortable as I cried in front of everyone on my birthday. Tonight was supposed to be a good day, but it was all ruined by a very disturbing message. Inside the box had a yellow sticky note that said:

I'm watching you.

And to top it off, they left a real bloody eyeball dangling inside. The crowd erupted in a buzz. Donny was fuming and Garnald was horrified just as I was.

"Whoever did this, it isn't funny!" Donny yelled.

He turned around and stalked my way, comforting me with his arms, his warmth, and his time. I pressed my head against his chest and sobbed. I wanted to leave now.

"Come on. Let's go," he murmured. "I'll drive you home."

I heard Garnald announcing to everyone to leave the party as Donny and I walked inside the mansion. The simple fact that someone was watching me—made me more aware. The message confirmed what I witnessed all along. It was real.

Someone was really watching me.

But why? Why me?

Even if it was a prank—it wouldn't make sense. Why would they have a real human eyeball?

"Don't worry, Amber," Donny whispered in my hair. "Everything will be fine. I'll take care of you. I'll protect you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Do you understand?"

I swallowed down my tears and nodded. He kissed my hair and wrapped his arm tighter around me as we stepped outside. He guided me to a shiny, black Porsche parked on the grass. He popped the car door open for me, and I slipped inside— strapped in my seat belt. The sooner we left, the better because the person who was watching me could be lingering in Garnald's party—or worse she or he could be following us. Donny settled in the driver's seat and drove off. He drove fast, but not crazy fast. He had the dark windows rolled up and he glanced at the rearview mirror every couple of seconds.

"Is this your car?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, it is."

I wiped my face and said, "I never knew you had one."

"That's because I barely use it," he responded. "Only for an occasion of course."

I reached for his hand that was not on the steering wheel and squeezed. I thanked him, and he pressed a hard kiss on my knuckles. The ride didn't feel as long with him here with me. There wasn't a car parked in my driveway as we arrived at my house. All the lights were off. My mother was still working. He walked me upstairs to my bedroom—and waited as I took a quick shower, dressed in my pajamas, and climbed on the bed. He was sitting beside me, covering my laying body with cozy,  heavy blankets.

"Who do you think did that?"

He shook his head. His face looked exhausted.

"I have no idea." He leaned his hand on my pillow and his eyes locked with mine. His other hand caressed my hair and I loved when he did that. "But don't worry about it too much. You're safe. Trust me."

"How can I not trust you?"

A smile tugged on his lips as he leaned and locked his lips with mine. His kiss was more than just a kiss. A warmth encircled my heart and played in my stomach. I loved when he kissed me that way.

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