The Confrontation

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Author's Note: As always, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Much love xoxo

Chapter 27


My heart pounded as I ran in a deep dark maze. I was out of breath—tired. And my knees felt like they were going to give out on me. My boots pounded on the ground as I pushed forward. I had to because what was behind me—chasing after me—was a dark human shadow—a shadow so sinister that I could hear it call out to me in a whisper. The words the shadow chanted sounded unfamiliar and evil. The darkness reached out, pulling me back. I screamed as the darkness wrapped around my ears and eyes.


My eyes widened, my hands clutching the sheets of my bed. I felt as if darkness lingered on my skin, seeping in my veins like slips of poison. My body trembled in fear. A slight moist of sweat crept over my forehead. With my heart racing, I looked around my bedroom.

It was just another stupid dream.

It had no meaning...


I hopped off my motorcycle and strutted through the parking lot, heading toward the school buildings. Guys whistled as I passed by and I threw them a devious smirk.

It felt extra delicious to receive attention from guys. I could never get tired of this.

I continued my journey and caught sight of Reece's blonde hair a few feet away. She carried a stack of books in her arms as she walked ahead of me. Since she interrupted my session with Jayko yesterday, I decided to make her life a little bit difficult. I picked up my pace and banged my shoulder against hers. The books in her arms tumbled to the floor and I smiled.


She glared as I turned my eyes away and walked ahead of her. I heard her fast footsteps before she yanked my hair and crashed my body against a car.

"Owww! What the fuck?"

I wanted to knock her out right there and then. I spun around and faced her.

"That's what you get!" she shouted.

A rush of anger formed my hands into fists and I punched her jaw. She fell on the floor. Her blonde hair mopped over her face as she whimpered.

"Stay down."

Soon enough a group of students encircled us, recording this damn mess with their phones. Groaning, Reece slowly got up.

"Oh, you want more?"

She screamed as she tackled me, slamming me against the same car. The impact slightly shook the vehicle. Grasping her shoulders, I kneed her stomach and she cried in pain. She swung her fist nevertheless. I made her miss by shoving her. I kicked her on the stomach and she slammed against the blue car across from me. Wincing in pain, she stayed against the car.

"Amber! Amber! Amber!" the crowd roared.

I locked eyes with Reece who was crying in pain. I didn't feel bad for her. She came and attacked me. Of course, I was going to fight back. What did she expect? A painless victory?

"You want more?" I challenged. "Or you're done getting your ass whooped?"

"I hate you!" she screamed, mascara running down her cheek.

I threw her a crooked smile and turned on my heel. Hate me—like me—it didn't really matter because I never cared to begin with. Phones turned my direction as I brushed past the crowd. People stepped aside, letting me pass.

"Good job, Amber," someone said quietly.

I jerked my head and spotted Angelica in the midst of the crowd smirking at me. I grinned and pushed open the double doors to the school building. The bell rang and I headed to Mr. Caro's class.

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