The Old Me

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Author's Note: That is Luke. You will know who his character is throughout this chapter. So keep him in mind. 💖

Chapter 28


Donny firmly cupped my face as if I was the last girl on Earth. His black worried eyes pierced into mine.

"Amber, I need you to tell me your last memory," he demanded.

I thought for a moment, trying to grasp my last memory. Just a moment ago, I was at Angelica's party dancing with him. Everything after that was like a clean sheet of paper. I couldn't remember any further. It was as if someone ripped out a piece of my memory.

What the hell?

"I remember... dancing with you at the masquerade party." Shutting my eyes, I winced. "Ow. My head hurts."

I winced again as I felt a sharp stab as if a pointy knife poked my brain and twisted it. His sturdy hands guided me to the bed and I sat with him.

"You don't remember anything else?"

I shook my head. Silence fell in between us as his gentle thumb caressed my cheek. I got lost staring into his concerned eyes. He was concerned, and I was confused.

Why was I only wearing a bra and panty? And how did I get to my room?

"Why can't I remember what happened?"

"Ask me later, beautiful," he said quietly. "I think you should rest."

"Yeah. I think I should rest." I groaned as I massaged my scalp. "I don't feel that good."

I laid down and Donny reached for the sheets and covered my body. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and gently on the corner of my mouth. His hand caressed my hair as he looked me in the eyes—his handsome face inches away.

"I'm glad you're you," he whispered.

I offered him a warm smile and leaned in to kiss him once more. With a painful migraine and a loss of memory, I was still grateful for him being here with me. His care and concern softly warmed my heart and mind.

"Thank you," I whispered back.

He pressed his warm lips on my forehead. "Good night," he breathed against my skin.

"Good night."

He leaned away and stood up from the bed. I grabbed his wrist, not wanting him to leave. I wanted him to stay longer.

"Can you stay with me," I said, my voice low and pleading, "until I sleep?"

My hand slowly slid down his wrist and wrapped his hand. "Please."

The bed dipped low as he sat down and kissed my knuckles.

"Of course."


I woke up the next morning, overthinking last night. I wanted to ask so many questions to my boyfriend and it all had to wait until I see him again. How frustrating... Donny wasn't sleeping next to me anymore. He had left. I sat up from the bed and froze at the edge as I took in the gigantic mess I had in my room.

What the hell?

Chunks of broken glass were on the floor. Pieces of short skirts and mini thongs were scattered around. The place was a dump of chaos.

What the hell happened?

"Oh my God," I breathed.

I carefully got up and made my way to my bathroom. Flicking on the lights, I nearly had a heart attack because the girl that stared at me in the mirror had black freaking hair! I gasped, slapping my hand over my mouth as I caught sight of a black belly button piercing.

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