Chapter 1: Eyes of Dilution (class trial)

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Evidence summary:
-Monokuma File #1: Victim trinity. Time 6:40 a.m. Location, auditorium girls bathroom. Died from stab to the head. Instant death. Stab wound in the leg was found

-Bloody finger: had blood on her right hand's pointer finger.

-Dying message: the words RED EYES where written upside down on her right side.

- Blood path: Drops of blood from Trinity's body led to the main office desk.

-Leg wound: Same size stab wound to the head. Probably used the same weapon.

-Kinfe: defiantly the murder weapon.

-video: video footage shows Trinity waiting at the main desk until a figure walks up around the 6:35 time mark. Then the tape cuts.

-letter: A crumbled up note telling someone to meet Trinity at the front desk,at 6:30. This letter was found crumbled up in the girls bathroom's trash can.

- William's testimony: Had to wear his glasses, but couldn't find his contacts.

- Atalia's testimony: Said William and Caitlyn where acting strangely.

- Contacts: found contacts in the sink covered with blood. The blood stain makes the color unknown.

All rise class trial in session!

Let me give a sport explanation of the class trial. You will go over all of the evidence and discuss the evidence to find the murder. Now if you guess correct everyone will live and I will give the murder their punishment. But if wrong everyone beside the murder will get punished. Okay let's start with a weapon.." Said the beat sitting in the throne.

"What's with that?" Asked Alexis pointing to a picture of trinity with an blood written X on her face. "It would be rude not to include your fellow classmates even thou they are dead." He laughed.

Trial start!

Atalia: okay so we have to start with the murder weapon then.

Non-stop debate: bullets: -leg wound -knife - Monokuma file

William: okay so we know the knife was the murder weapon.

Caitlyn: okay, but what about the other wound?

William: wound?

Alexis: oh yeah there was a leg wound on her left leg.

Gage: okay so what was the cause of that wound?

Clay: maybe it was the same weapon use to stab trinity?


Tyler: I agree with you Clay. The wound in her leg it about the same size as the one in her head.

Clay: okay so then we know what killed her.

William: where could the knife origin be?

Darien: hmm Manet the kitchen. But with any of our luck no one was in there.

Shiloh: actually Ally and I where in there last night.

Tyler: did you guys see anyone enter?

Ally: yes.

Larissa: who did you guys see?

Shiloh: Caitlyn.

Caitlyn: huh?

Manny: then see us the murder!

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