Chapter 5: A White Rose blackend ( class trial)

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-Monokuma file #7: Victim: Alexis Pitami, Time of death: 6:30, Location: Auditorium stage, Cause of death: Blood lost, Evidence: Has a stab wound in chest,but as well as some blood dribbled down her mouth. She also had more blood in her mouth and throat.
- Monokuma file #8: Victim: Noah Hotel, Time of death: Unknown, Location: Auditorium stage, Cause of death: Stabbed to the back. Died of blood lost, Evidence: There is a bruise on his head. He was stabbed in the back, surprise attack or something else?
- Knife wound (Alexis): she had a knife wound that looked mostly like a kitchen knife.
-Mysterious black powder: Black powder was rubbed against her hands.
-( forgot to add this one to the investigation chapter) Body placement: she was laying in a rose casket that resembled Snow White some way.
-Noah's shoes: He had dry blood on his shoes.
- Larissa's Actions: She seemed more on edge and panicked today.
- Justin's testimony: To get the knife that deep inside his back he needed to throw it or need Noah to be still while the murder violently shoved the knife in his back.
- Noah's Glasses: His glasses where broken with them still on.
- Kiera's testimony: Says that Alexis must of thrown up blood.
- Blood state:All of the blood on Alexis was dry while Noah's blood was still damp, we assume that they where killed at very different times.
- Bloody foot print path:there is small foot prints while there is a second larger size foot-print.
- Steel pipe: Inside of Alexis's casket there is a steel pipe that has a large debt on it along with brown hair and some blood. From the backstage a pipe was missing, most likely that was its origin.
- Tool box: a tool box of scattered tools where located to the railing with the missing pipe.
- Medicine Cabinet: A poison bottle was missing in the nurses room. But the missing color was red.( there was only two colors red and black) the black one was there and half full. Other stuff like protein and medical supplies where in the other two cabinets with where fully stalked.
- Caitlyn's testimony/ alibi: She said to be with Kiera all night in the kitchen and no one came in. Also says they could of gotten it from the mono mono machine.
- Larissa's inhaler: A inhaler found at the scene of the crime with Larissa Zumi engraved on it.

Court now in session all rise!

Monokuma: Okay everyone you know the drill! Let's begin with the murder weapon!!!

Non- stop debate: evidence: - steel pipe - mysterious black powder - Knife wound ( Alexis)

Atalia: Let's start with Noah's, he had a knife in his back.

Caitlyn: A kitchen knife.



Tyler: Huh? That's my line.

Caitlyn: W- what did I say?

Justin: That wasn't a kitchen knife, it was an pocket knife.

Kiera: Wait.... But the knife is pretty big.

Justin: Yes to the observing eye,but when you know your knives you can tell.

Tyler: That dose make sense, cause Caitlyn told me she was in the kitchen all night with Kiera and no one came in and the knifes where all there.

Justin: Plus I did see something on the knife.

Larissa: W-what d-did you see. *pant pant*

Gage: Homie?! You okay?!

Larissa started to breath uncontrollably.

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