Chapter 6: It's punishment time! ( deadly days)

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( if your confused don't worry we are recapping some information from previous chapters)

I then exited the auditorium. "I should talk to the others and see what I can find, plus I do have the evidence from the previous day's here." I said aloud looking at some papers that Larissa have me which told about the students.

"Oh yeah these papers they stated about something called the despair simulation." I mumbled. I quickly shoved them into my pocket.

Bullet: Data papers

I then walked down the hall and saw Atalia. "Hey." I greeted. "Oh Tyler I wanted to talk to you." She said pulling me aside. "Remember that secret room with all the papers?" She asked. It took me a moment but I nodded a yes. "Well we need to remember that as an important clue." She said giving me a smile."okay got it also if you didn't anything let me know." I said as she walked away.

Bullet: secret room
Bullet: Documents

I then walked into the library to see William. Before I walked over to him this place reminded me of the note I found after the second trial. "Hey William." I said walking over. "Oh hi Tyler." He said rubbing his arm. "So did you see anything orrrr?" I asked. "*sigh* like I said I don't remember a thing after the execution all I know is that I'm alive.......well I do remember seeing a hand feminine like with black nails." He said. "Oh okay thanks." I smiled.

Bullet: library note
Bullet: William's testimony

I made my way to the second floor and explored all the empty classrooms to find nothing. I then went pass the math room in the eight grade hall and remembered that photo of us, then making me remember more photos. "These have to have value in this trial." I mumbled walking up to the computer room.

Bullet: photos

I then entered the room to see gage and Ethan opening that Monokuma door. They entered as I follow. In the room had a lot of monitors of every room in the building and there was a tv. I turned it on to see that it was showing us! That is when I realize we where being broadcasted as on the top life of the tv it said live. "What the hell is his shit?!" Scremaed gage breaking the t.v. Me and Ethan backed up noticing Gage was in rage. Before Ethan left I asked him about that book I found in the German room. "So there was a book with my writing on it....well I can't say I remember, I don't remember ever taking German, but for some reason I can speak it well." He said rubbing his chin. "Okay well thank you." I sighed walking out of the room. Something has to be from the past, all these photos and books they have to be connected!

Bullet: Monokuma room
Bullet: tv broadcast
Bullet: German book

I then saw Caitlyn and waved a hello. "So remember that video from yesterday?" I asked. "Yeah." She sighed sadly. "So that was your sister?" I asked. "Yes she was in the same middle school as me.....but why am I here and she is outside the school and what's with the kids with those Monokuma helmets?" She asked as tears dribbled down her eyes. "Sorry for bringing up bad memories." I sighed. "It's okay as long as it can help end this hell." She said leaving.

Bullet: Caitlyn's testimony
Bullet: laptop

After that Monokuma called us for the elevator. On my way I bumped into Justin. "Oh Tyler! I wanted to ask remember the future foundation meeting?" He asked. "Well yeah." I said. "Good don't forget cause with someone with a memory like yours we can't fail!" He smiled running to the elevator.

As I entered the elevators felt the world shake as we descended. I all looked at everyone with with a smile, even though we may all die we know that we are all friends and stuck together. The doors open as we enter the trial room to see Monokuma standing at a podium. We all take our place, it is time to begin the final trial of hope or despair!

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