Epilouge: Hope is the New Despair

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We all stood at the exit doors of the school. I had a button in my hand and the photo in the other. The photo was of all of us dead and alive in a school photo happy and smiling. "So it's finally over." Said Ethan shoving his hands into his pockets. "Wow what a whack adventure yo!" Yelled Gage making his gangsta pose. "I can't believe it.... We made it." Sighed Caitlyn with a smile. "It sucks big time that that most of our friends are dead though." Sighed Faith. "But that want us to move on that's why we have to!" Said Atalia smiling. "This is going to make a great book!" Said Larissa already writing down in a notebook.
( get it breaking fourth wall man)
"This.... Geeze......I mish having fun and lamas." Said Kiera dropping her head. "Well don't worry we can make new times to smile!" Said a happy Justin. " maybe even find some hotties....or Taylor." Said William which I rolled my eyes at. " we made it all this way and we are finally ready to escape. First thing I'm doing it hugging my mom." I smiled. Everyone had a confident look on their face. But before I pressed the button. I saw some familiar faces.it seemed everyone saw as well. It was everyone who had past. Clay gave Emily a pat on the head and smiled as Emily walked through the exit door. Darien, Ben , and Alina where all smiling. Alina gave a warm smile to Faith as she punched Darien in the arm. Alina and Ben walked out the door. Alexis, Noah, and Manny where all smiling next to each other. Noah exited through the door. Alexis and Manny gave Atalia a warm smile. They then turned and left as Alexis bobbed Manny on the head. Dairen, Clay and Alex all looked at William and gave him a smile as they left. Shiloh and Ally here leaning on each other. They smiled and left with a skip. I then slammed the button for the door to open.

As it open everyone walked outside,but I turned around and saw Trinity. She gave me a peace sign with an evil grin. She then faded away, this worries me,but I noticed something on the floor. I picked it up to see it had a pin with an R on it with a cross. I then put the pin on my hoodie. I ran outside gripping the class photo of everyone tightly.

As I walked outside I noticed a helicopter. Everyone was piling in it. I then followed in the plane learning it was the future foundation. I sat on the plans dm looked out to the side. The area looked destroy. Monokuma roamed,but there was a girl walking around destroying the Monokuma's with what looked like a couple of other people. I then found a set of binoculars on the plan and zoomed in. As I noticed that girl was much more familiar. "LITTLE SIS?!" I yelled.

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