Chapter 4: Monday Massacure (deadly days)

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I couldn't believe my eyes three dead bodies. I ran up to them and placed to fingers on Alina's neck......she had no pulse. I ran to Ben and did the same,only to receive the same result cold and lifeless. I then ran to Darien and placed my fingers on his neck once again wait he he had a pulse! "Guys Darien is alive!" I yelled picking him up. "We have to get him to the nurses office sat!" Yelled Manny picking him up over the shoulder and then running out of the garden.

After we got him to the nurse's office we lad him on the bed and monokum popped out of no where and attached a blood packet to him. Everyone was in the room crowded around him waiting for Darien to wake up. After about thirty minutes he awoken. "Ugggh...where am I?" He asked tubbing his bandaged head. "In the nurses office we found you surprisingly alive. "What about Alina and Ben?" He asked. "How do you know about there deaths?" Kiera asked. "I walked into the garden to see them dead,then I blackout." He said thinking deeply.

"Ugh I'm giving you all a penalty for wasting time in the investigation,so go now!" The bear yelled at us. "Wait what if the murder comes back and tries to kill him?" Asked Atalia shaking. "Don't worry I'm going to watch them." Said the evil beat pulling out a machine gun which made everyone run to investigating. I as well ran hoping not to get shot.

"Hmm so Darien said he saw the bodies and then blacked out." I thought to myself

Bullet: Darien's testimony

I then headed back to the garden. I looked at the monokuma file on my electro handbook.

Monokuma file #4
Victim: Alina Oriz
Location: Garden
Time: unknown
Cause of death: stab to the heart.
Evidence: stabbed in the heart most likely from behind.

Monokuma file #5

Victim: Ben Muzzuro
Location: Garden
Time: unknown
Cause of death: head trauma.
Evidence: there is a would on his head and he is laying his back on the garden's main flower display in the top left corner.

After looking I found one more file. It was Darien's! "That's surprising saying that he is alive. I guess this is important evidence.

Monokuma file #6

Victim: Darien Lee
Time: unknown
evidence: Found laying face first on the ground. Had a rectangular shaped dent on his head with blood oozing out. Hand bloody as well.

"That is a lot of files." I mumbled to myself.

Bullet: monokuma file#4
Bullet: monokuma file#5
Bullet: monokuma file#6

I then looked at Alina closer, then I noticed her body was half buried. Justin then walked up to me. "Isn't that a little weird?" He asked. "Very." I responded looking to see a shovel next to her with blood on it. "Hmmm stranger and stranger this case gets." Justin said looking down.

Bullet: Alina's body placement
Bullet: bloody shovel

I then continued to search the evidence. I looked at Ben again. He had a clear mark on his head. I felt so...terrible he died,he was always kind and nice too. I then left the crime scene doing a double take to make sure I didn't miss anything. I then headed up to the eight grade hallway. But I only had a choice of three rooms. So I decide to head to the math room first. I then looked around and noticed that a couple of books where missing. Out of the rows about three or four gone.

Bullet: missing math books

"Dam those books look heavy." Said Larissa walking in the room. "Oh hey Larissa find anything?" I asked. "Yes I did indeed." She said rummaging throughout her handbag. She pulled out a crumbled up note. "I found this inside Alina's pocket." She said handing it to me. I started to read the letter in my head.

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