Chapter 4: Monday Massacre (normal days)

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Day 17

I woke up from the previous day. "Why." I sighed. The trial was so fast to fast to even comprehend. It was just terrible Ally and Shiloh are dead for killing Alex,but Ally didn't kill anyone. I then walked out of my bed.

I walked into the cafeteria to only see Larissa and Justin. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "They all went to search the new Areas." Said Larissa. "You slept in really late." Justin yawned. "We should check it out as well then." I said walking back out the door,but was stopped by a hand on my wrist. It belonged to Larissa. "Tyler remember during the investigation we found that computer that said 50 percent despair." She said letting go of my arm.

"Yeah." I said. "Well I want to check it out with you and Justin so let's go before the others get back." She said running out the door and dragging me ahead. "Wait up." Justin said running after us.

He arrived in the computer room. We headed over to the computer to see a face pop up. "HEY SLUTS WASSUP!" It yelled. "Jeez calm down." I said. "Anyway what do you need?" It asked kindly. "Well what are you and where the hell did you come from." Justin asked. "Ugh don't cha listen I am an Ai program and I like come from the future foundation." He said rudely. "What's the future foundation?" Larissa asked. "It is sort of organization that stops the despair of the world if you want I can connect you." It said happily.

"That would be awesome!" I smiled. "Okay connecting now." It said turning the screen black. We waited a couple of seconds to then see the screen reappear with some people staring at it. "Yes we made it to the trapped students!" A girl about our aged yelled. "Who are you people?" I asked. "Oh we are members of the future foundation working on getting you out of there." The women said.

"Wait how do you know we are trapped here?" Larissa asked. "Sadly everything that has and is happening is being broadcast world wide. The mastermind is hijacking the air waves along with there minions." She said seriously. "You mean the ones from despicable me?" I asked. "No Moran people!" She yelled back. I then back up a little. "Wait so the killings,trials,everything is being on TV?!" Asked Justin surprised.

"Correct oh also my name is Chihiro well my code name I'm not allowed to give you the real one." Said chihiro on the screen. Another girl walked in. "Chihiro! You did it you made contact with the students!" The girl with black short hair smiled hugging the other one."who are you?" I asked. "I'm izzy." She smiled. "You can't give you're real name." Said chihiro hitting the girl.

The screen then went to static. "S....shit!d-dammit!" They yelled in static before the screen went blank. We each have one another a glance."what the hell?" Larissa asked. "Future foundation?" Justin mumbled confused. Monokuma then popped out of the blue."you kids out now! I have to do room repairs!" He yelled pushing us all out without letting us get a single word in.

"He is hiding something he has to be." I nodded to the others. After that we all went different ways. I now noticed that most of the school was unlocked,I first headed to the library to noticed new doors where there. I walked threw to see a pretty and simple garden with some flowers and other plants. I was amazed and thought a way out,but I looked up at the sky,it seemed weird.

So I had an idea,a grabbed rock and threw it as far as I could. I heated a thump and then fled it fall on my head. "Owww." I complained running my head. I looked around to notice open windows on the second floor. The first level windows where sealed shut by metal bars and bricks.

I then went up to the second floor above the dorms. It turned out to be the eight grade hallway. I walked down to noticed only three rooms were opened. I checked the first one which turned to be a computer room.i then looked around to see a normal room,but there was a Monokuma door by that I mean a door covered in Monokuma stickers. I tugged at the lock to only figure it was locked of course until I heard a little jump of a little. I then placed my head to the door. I listen really close I could here the sound of...."what are you doing!" Yelled the bear behind me. "Ahhh...oh it's you...WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled at the evil bear.

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