Chapter 3: Fighting for the weak (class trial)

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- Monokuma file #3: victim: Alex Moon. Time: 9:30. Location: changing room closet. Cause of death: died from wound hitting the lungs. Evidence: found hanging in the closet by his shirt.

- Time: found the body after two minutes from death.

- Blood path: A bloody path leading down the second stair way and underneath the piano.

-sword: a silver sword with its tip covered in blood and found under the piano.

- shadowy figure: I saw someone run down the stair case,but disappeared after.

-feather: was found in Alex's hair. Belongs to the Peter Pan costume which manny was wearing.

-Larissa's testimony: says Manny was on the stage at the time of murder:

-cast list: Alexis,Manny,Ally,Shiloh,Larissa,Atalia,And Caitlyn. On stage: Alexis,Manny,Larissa,Caitlyn,and Ally. Not on stage- Caitlyn,Alex,Shiloh.

-Blood puddle: a puddle of blood lead to Alex's corpse.

- Video Tape: Shows Alex hitting Ally while a shadowy figure watches. Then ally left which made the figure run at Alex. They where is the dressing rooms as well.

Trial in session all rise!

Monokuma: Pet us find you the murder weapon first.

Non-stop debate: Evidence: - Feather -Sword -Monokuma file #3

Ally: ......

Alexis: There was a kind long stab wound in his chest.

Gage: well my homie I say that is true.

Shiloh: Maybe it was a sword or something like that.


Tyler: I agree with you Shiloh it was indeed a sword.

Shiloh: Okay so then you must be talking about the sword under the piano I found that had blood on the tip.

Tyler: yeah I am that.

Justin: well I noticed that the time was two minutes after Alex died.

Atalia: so while we where on stage and doing the play....Alex died.

Tyler: I heard a scream so I went up there.

Manny: scream? I didn't hear a thing.

Tyler: I know it looked like no one else heard so I went up there to see Alex dead. But I actually saw a shadowy figure run down the second stair case.

Everyone: *gasp*

Manny: you have to be the killer! No one else heard the scream and you where the first one to find the body!

Nonstop-debate: evidence: -blood puddle -blood path - feather

Manny: it's you!

Alexis: stop jumping to conclusions!

Atalia: Manny why would it be Tyler?!

Manny: cause he.....


Tyler: Hold on Manny. It can't be me,because I would have been covered in blood.

Manny: you could of changed.

Tyler: not in two minutes.

Manny: fine

Alexis: besides Manny we found your feather at the crime scene.

Manny: what?!

Larissa: hold on Alexis, Manny was on the stage as long as everyone else.

Shiloh: No not everyone.....Caitlyn,Alex,and I where not in the stage.

Manny: Then it was you or Caitlyn!

Shiloh: Caitlyn was in the bathroom and I-

Ally: I DID IT I MURDER ALEX HE WAS ALWAYS ABUSING ME. I killed him then dragged and hanged him in the closet!

Machine gun talk battle:

Ally: I did it I did it!

Tyler: her being a killer doesn't make sense.

Ally: just vote and kill me!

Tyler: this should prove it!

Ally: nooooooo!

Fire evidence -video tape.

Tyler: it isn't you I saw you talk with Alex in the dressing room and running out cause he hit you. That's when the shadowy figure stabbed him.

Ally: no it's still me!

Tyler: fine this should make it all come to light!

Climax inference

Alex was having a conversation with Ally. After he scared her off a shadowy figure or should we say the murder killed Alex. The murder then pulled his body to the closet and hanged them. That's when I came in to see the body. They panicked and made a run for it. I followed quickly,but to see they where gone. They hid under the piano after that they cleaned themselves up and returned to the room to be surprised and the only one who could murder him was you Shiloh Shoe!


Shiloh: I did I killed him and I'll tell you after we vote.

Monokuma:pull the lever in front of you to determine the killer.

A slot machine appeared and images of Shiloh was shown. Then the words guilty flashed.

"Shiloh why would you kill Alex?" I asked. "I'm sorry Tyler and everyone it's it's just." She lost her cold and calm face and started to sob and break down. "I only did it because he was hurting ally. I knew ally before we entered the school." She cried.

Ally then ran over and hugged her. "I'm sorry so sorry now yo are going to die." She cried. "Oh my bad I showed Alex past event in where you two best up William." Monokuma chuckled.

"Wait ally then why did you say you did it?" Kiera asked. "Because she told me and I don't want to live in a world without her she is the one who always makes me smile she makes me laugh while a hell breaks lost around me." She cried.

"Okay time for the execution." Said the bear. "Wait Monokuma I wanna be executed with Shiloh." Ally said. "Okay..really? Fine that makes it all the more fun." He smiled. Right then the whole place shake. "Earth quake!" I yelled. We all got down and stayed there for about 5 minutes or so.
"Dammit." He bear sighed. "Anyway let's give it everything we got!" The bear said pushing the button. Chains wrapped around Ally's and Shiloh's necks.

Partners in crime

Ally and Shiloh are placed on a stage. They are surrounded by caution police tape and chalk body outlines. That's when Monokuma started to come out. The girls started to shoot them with the guns in there hands. That's when a Monokuma shot ally in the stomach. Shiloh then held her tight and shot in the stomach as well. They both started to bleed out. They then lauded down on the floor together holding hands and died as blood oozed out to form a heart. A Monokuma dressed up as a detective then drew a chalk out line of there bodies.

The execution ended.

We all stood there with tears in our eyes. We all silently wobbled to the elevator. I headed back to my room. I had the thought in my head I'm so sorry this happened to you guys...why did it have to be you. I cried myself to sleep.

Alive 15, dead 7

You received the friendship police tape!

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