Identities Are an Arcane Matter

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In which the people and the story is introduced.

Friday, February 10th.

Pearl Moon was a detective, a very good detective. Her memory is sharp, instincts keen, and authority respected. Pearl and her dog, Tilly, always made great work on their cases while also having a good work-life balance. A combination of being the top of her class in shooting and having agility and stealth from her owl-like wings, she has an easy upper-hand when combat is required of her.

But today was a lazy Friday at about 1630 and Pearl was sitting at her desk, thinking of what she'd do with her friends once off work (Martyn, Jimmy, Taurtis, and Pearl always hung out Friday nights). She worked mainly as the Server Detective, working side-by-side with Admins to find out what's causing chaos in the server (It's usually some hacker who weaseled their way in and won't leave). Tilly laid at her feet and a good solitaire game sat on Pearl's computer when the door to the Captain's office opened.

"Detective Moon!" Captain called out. "Please come to my office! No dog."

Closing out her solitaire game and commanding Tilly to stay, she walked over to the office.

"Captain," she closed the door and nodded. Looking over at another side of the room, one of her co-workers stood there holding a vanilla folder, "Smith."

"Moon," Captain started, closing their hands into a fist on the desk. "Smith has arrested a certain...person that's been on your radar for some time. Smith?"

Smith nodded and looked over at Pearl, "I've captured our chaos-loving disguise master, ma'am. What do you call them? Sandy?"

"You caught Sandy?" Pearl's eyes widened. The criminal had been known for blowing things up and attacking people with melee weapons, a high target on Pearl's list. "Good job, Smith!"

"Smith has told me the disguise was the chicken when 'Sandy' was apprehended," Captain nodded. "General appearance is male, but we don't know about voice or actual gender. Hasn't said anything yet, not even a yelp from apprehension. Smith and I have agreed that you should go interview them, Moon. What do you say?"

"I gladly accept, Captain!" Pearl nodded and smiled.

"Good. Smith, bring her to the room. And Moon, you can bring Tilly." Captain waved their hand and pushed the two out of the room.

Pearl called Tilly over and they followed Officer Smith to the interrogation room where Sandy was being kept. The police station was modeled to be similar to the Main Server Hub, Greek. While it wasn't the pearly white stone the architecture was known for, the basic structure was there. Big halls, columns, you know the deal.

The interrogation rooms didn't fit the 'Greek' bill, they were standard concrete rooms with a one-way window, thick walls and heavy doors.

Smith led them to Room 3. Smith nodded to Pearl and handed her the vanilla folder before heading into the observation room. Pearl opened the door to the interrogation room and went inside, firmly shutting the door behind her. Tilly sat guard near the door while Pearl made her way to the metal table in the middle of the room.

On one side of the table was Sandy. A young, possibly male, person with sandy-blond hair. (You're getting where the name came from?) They wore the most notable of disguises, 'Poultry Man'. Their head rested on their hands, which laid against the table. Their wings that actually tied the look together by looking chicken-esc occasionally twitched in annoyance.

Pearl sat down on the other side and opened the file and found herself a pen. Most of the file was blank. Only a mugshot, physical description, list of crimes, and arresting officer information were filled out.

Hello, I Am Detective Pearl MoonWhere stories live. Discover now