I Don't Trust My Own Mind, That's Why I Write

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Pearl explores the servers with Tilly!

(also known as: The author does research but still has to make up at least 1/3 of the settings!)

Monday, February 13

The night before was an unusual one. Pearl awoke to a laughing TV show, a whimpering dog, and ruffled feathers from sleeping on the couch. The sun had set so it was some time after 1800. After making sure Tilly was fed and the TV off, Pearl made a small dinner for herself. As the meal cooked, she carefully preened her feathers back to their original glory.

Pearl still needed to sleep that night, so she went to bed after dinner. Because she had already slept earlier, Pearl woke up at 0500. Which is a whole three hours earlier than normal.

Now, with her newfound energy, she and Tilly started their walk to the Hub. An early start is good, after all. Tilly had her cute little police vest with the little pocket filled with passes on as she looked around the street, making sure there was no danger. Pearl had lots more gear than the normal field work outfit. Along with her normal vest, badge, and gun, she had her passes on a keychain attached to her pants and a camera hung around her neck.

The hub was quiet at 0500, which can be scary compared to its usual bustle. On their walk through the Greek-inspired architecture, Pearl and Tilly passed a few night-shift cops who happily greeted them.

The server entrance room was desolate when Pearl and Tilly entered. The high-ceiling domed room echoed their footsteps as Pearl stopped at the first portal she came across. Scanning her pass then Tilly's, a screen that read 'HC6' on the top with 'YES' or 'NO' options below it appeared. Pearl tapped the 'YES' option and the portal flickered to life.

Welcoming blue swirls made a soft humming sound and both Pearl and Tilly stepped through at the same time.

It was most likely a little after 0900 in Hermitcraft. Partly cloudy sky, warm weather, and a small breeze. The Season 6 spawn was a small field on the edge of an oak forest, nice and welcoming. A small lectern held a book of information on the download and maps of the server.

Tilly looked the exact same as she did outside the download. Pearl's only difference was that her coat had disappeared.

Pearl let Tilly frolic in the grass while she picked a map up and flipped through the pages of the book placed on the lectern. She found the section on Grian and skimmed through it. He had a few buildings in the Shopping District, a main base just off of the Futuristic District and Shopping District, and an 'army base' at the edge of the Modern and Medieval Districts. Pearl marked the big locations on her map with a pen she found in one of her pockets.

Folding the map and tucking it into a pocket, Pearl pulled out her server-based communicator. A special feature for Pearl and Tilly was teleportation. When activated, Tilly would teleport to Pearl if they were at least 100 blocks apart and Pearl had been standing still for a few seconds. They had used it many times and it was very helpful. Pearl made sure the feature was on before stowing the communicator away.

When Tilly noticed that Pearl was positioning herself so she could make a running start for flying, Tilly sat up and waited. Taking a deep breath, Pearl readied herself then shot off. When she became close to the edge of Spawn, Pearl unfurled her wings and shot up into the air.

Up in the air, Pearl cheered and spinned. It had been a while since she had flown in a server. Keeping focus on the mission, Pearl turned and headed for the Shopping District. The flight wasn't long and soon the dense area known as the Shopping District came into view.

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