I Remember, But Do They Remember?

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Pearl figures things out and waits for the trial.

Friday, February 17

It was the feeling of warm afternoon sunlight that woke Pearl up. She slowly opened her eyes as she regained her senses, and they told her that she was in the hospital. Beeping machines, sterile colors, the smell of rubbing alcohol, and the gown. As Pearl tried to lift herself up, she found that her arms were terribly sore. But even with that, she found herself sitting up.

She had been sitting there for a minute or two, still a little dazed, when a man in blue walked in. He held a clipboard and looked slightly surprised to see Pearl awake.

"Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Jacobs." The man sat in a nearby stool. "How are you feeling right now?"

"'m fine," Pearl tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "A little sore."

"Ah, well that would make sense. Now, I know you just woke up, but I need to ask you a few questions. Okay? Okay. First off, what's your name?" Dr. Jacobs pulled the cap off a pen.

"Pearl. Pearlescent Moon."

"Good. How old are you, Pearl?"

"I'm 26."

"And what's the last thing you remember before waking up here?"

Pearl thought for a moment. "Uh. Well, I was in the Exit room of the Hub. I was with my coworkers and friends. How are they, by the way?"

"Your coworkers are at home, resting. And your friends were recently released from here. I'm now going to ask you a different series of questions. Think for as long as you need and saying 'I don't know' is okay. Alright, when you were a child, what was your mother like?"

"My mother? She was very kind all throughout my childhood. She was very pretty as well."

"And your father?"

"He was...not very nice. No, wait. I don't think I know. I can remember both versions of him at once."

"Well, according to the answers I was given, your parents were polar opposites. Nice mother, not-so-nice father. And it's good to know that the correct memory was said first, I'd say that's a good recovery."

"What do you mean? How did you get that information?"

"Your memories from birth to 13 years of age were replaced. You have them back now, but they're stacked upon each other. The real and fake can be remembered at the same time. But, the fact that you mentioned the real memory first is good. It says that you subconsciously know what's real and what's not. Now, we don't really know too much about this so you'll have to go over memories with people from your childhood."

That was a lot of information all at once. Pearl thought it over, analyzing the meanings. It all made sense, Pearl knew that her memories were changed. But figuring out what was real was going to be tough. "And where did you get the information?" Pearl soon asked.

"Some of my colleagues went over to the Hub station and asked your brother for this information."

"My brother?" Pearl repeated. "Oh, wait I remember-wait." Pearl stopped and put her head in her hands. A brother. Yes, she knew she had one. The past week has been about that. And when she thought of it, she remembered a brother. But when she thought just a little more, it went away. And the existence of one person is a difficult one to be conflicting compared to the personality of someone.

The doctor put a hand on Pearl's shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sure that with time, you'll have all of this sorted out. I need to bring you in for a quick MRI then you're set to leave. Sounds okay?" Pearl took her head out of her hands and nodded. With a smile, Dr. Jacobs stood and motioned for Pearl to follow.

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