May Time Serve You and Your Memory Well

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Pearl at court. (It's a lot of talking.)

Saturday, February 25

There are many people in the courtroom. Reporters hold their cameras at the ready in the front row, some people who Pearl guesses are from Hermitcraft sit behind them. There are other people who are assumedly just the general public. An arrangement of jurors sit in their box, eyes focused on Pearl. The judge sits in a stoic fashion, hands clasped in front of her. There are two tables across from the judge. A single man, a lawyer, sat on the right, close to the jurors. On the right is another lawyer, and Grian. They both wear simple suits, but only Grian glances back to where Pearl stands at the courtroom's doors.

The court officer walks Pearl past the reporters and public, next to a small wooden stand with a microphone and chair. A few important-but-old looking books also sit on the stand. The officer stops Pearl in front of the stand before walking away.

"Good morning, ma'am," the judge leans forward and keeps looking at Pearl. "Can you please state your name?"

"Pearlescent Moon," Pearl holds the judge's gaze.

"Do you want to affirm or swear on a holy book?" The judge motions to the books laid on the table.


"Please raise your right hand." The judge waits until Pearl puts her hand up, "Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"


"Please sit," the judge nods. An officer removes the books from the table as Pearl sits on the table, leaning forward slightly. "Now, Ms. Moon, I'm going to do the same as I've done for the other witnesses. This is not a trial about seeing if the defendant is guilty or not, as he has confessed. It is about whether the sentence should be reduced or not. This is a three day trail, as you know. It will be split up into three 'sections': what happened on the 16th of February of this year, the case in general, and the third day will include the new evidence we've learned. The defendant may now ask questions."

The lawyer who was sitting next to Grian stood and walked in front of the table. "Ms. Moon, what is your place of work?"

"I am a detective for the Hub police. Lead detective on the case this trial is about."

"Can you tell the court a simple version of what happened on the 16th of February, this year?" The lawyer started to pace the small area in front of his table.

"With friends, colleagues, and your client, we went to the download of Evolution SMP to get rid of the control the Watcher's had in it. That was in the morning and I'd say it took...two hours in total. I was knocked out the rest of the day. During the mission, there were at least eleven Watcher deaths. The download collapsed once it was freed from the Watcher's grasp."

"Police reports of the day say that one death was both a Watcher and someone on your side. Can you shed some light on that? Clear things up?"

"Ah, yes. So, at the time before the event, everyone believed the now deceased to not be a Watcher. He turned out to be a Watcher, hiding under some sort of disguise for years. I did not write a report, but it would make sense if a death listed was mentioned to be of both sides."

"How would you describe my clients behavior and actions during the event?"

"I'd say he was...committed, methodical. Within the first minute, he rid a Watcher of their disguise. After that, he was really focused on completing the mission. His part was to destroy a crystal in the Watchers' tower, and that's where all his energy went. Almost killed him, or rather us. The Watcher's had a command put in so everyone shared their lifeforce with another. I was paired with your client. Destroying the Watchers, or at least the ones in Evo, seemed like something he really cared about doing."

Hello, I Am Detective Pearl MoonWhere stories live. Discover now