I Don't Care How Long it Will Take, But I Will Take Them Down

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Pearl and a few others fuck around and find out, on purpose!

(The chapter I remember about my violence rating and tags)

Thursday, February 16

Pearl and Jimmy made sure to have a hearty breakfast this morning. They were up early and at the hub only an hour later. The three of them stood at the hub's entrance when the other two arrived.

"Good morning!" Martyn waved. "How is everyone?"

"We've been waiting for 20 minutes, but we're good otherwise," Pearl shrugged and smiled. "Should we get going?"

"I've been waiting for this for so long!" Taurtis said as they started to walk. At the front, Jimmy glanced at Pearl. He felt bad about tricking them. Pearl felt a little less bad.

Captain was waiting for them at the station's internal entrance. They looked up from their watch, "Your friends aren't very good at being punctual, Detective."

"They did better than normal," Pearl pointed out as she stopped in front of Captain.

"At least I can be thankful for that." Captain turned to the others, "Apologies for the deception, everyone. You all will be going to your home server, but not for fun nostalgia reasons. I will explain more, but only in the station. Follow me." They turned on their heels and walked into the station. Pearl, Jimmy, and Tilly followed quickly but the other two hesitated for a moment.

The six of them traveled up the stairs. Once on the correct floor, they entered the briefing room. Captain moved in front of the pedestal, Smith beside them. Everyone else was instructed to sit. Along with Smith, there were eight other officers in the room. Grian also sat in the front row of people, cuffed hands kept under the table.

"Thank you for being here, everybody." Captain started. "You've all been selected to go on an attack mission. In the small, now abandoned, server of Evo, we have suspected Watcher involvement. You know about them if you read the pre-briefing paper in front of you. This mission will help us learn about what Watcher magic can do, and attempt to take a branch of them down. Officer Smith will fill you all in on how the operation is going to work." Captain nodded before moving off the podium.

Smith stepped up, "Good morning. There are two parts to this operation. The first part is an attempt to use the element of surprise. Detective Moon, her friends, and Grian, our culprit of many crimes. They all grew up in Evo, so it will hopefully look like some sort of reunion. Their job is to scope out the server and to play around with the download's code.

"When something goes wrong, because it will, that's when team two goes in. Those people are: Collins, Park, Shelly, Martinez, and myself. When we get in there, team one tells us the plan and we execute it. I'm the commanding officer in this situation, so everything should go through me." He cast a look at Pearl. "If this is successful, the Watcher's grip on Evo will disappear.

"Johnson, Goldberg, and Grayson, you three will be stationed in the Exit room. We have a designated portal for this mission. If someone who isn't us exits the portal, detain them. Does everyone understand their roles?" When everyone nodded, Smith smiled. "Good. Suit up, be in the Entrance room in twenty."

At that, the officers stood up and moved out of the room. Captain dipped out of the room and quickly returned with civilian waiver forms. A way to say 'if you get hurt or die, that's your fault'. As Martyn, Jimmy, and Taurtis signed them, Pearl grabbed her gear and other gear for the others.

"Are these...bulletproof vests?" Martyn knocked on the hard surface.

"Yep," Pearl nodded as strapped on her gun holster. "We're all going to have an extra line of code dictation that our coats stay on. Less suspicious that way."

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