Chapter 83

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M:   The others agreed and split off in each direction, Mandoria taking the south and Esha taking the west, both praying that the boy didn't get himself in trouble. As they searched, the storm started slowly blowing in, the wind picking up and the snowfall getting heavier with each second, Esha had to turn into her furry dragon form just to stay warm.

It felt like hours that the group had been searching, they couldn't tell if that was true either way, and still they couldn't find Prudoria, not a footprint or a feather could be discerned from the snowy landscape.

However, towards the north, the snow started to become speckled with red, then the speckles turned into splashes and a few bloody feathers started appearing.

The trail eventually led to something from a horror movie, two mutilated bodies of hunters lay in the snow, clearly killed by a large feline. More bloody feathers were scattered around as well as a coat with musket holes in it.

A trail of bloody paw prints led away from the scene, as well as a partial drag mark, like the creature was carrying something away.

N:   Royal decided to head east while Anglo trudged north, and as the winds began to speed up, he tightly wrapped his wings around himself, trying to conserve any body heat.

His eyes were barely open, the flurry of snow making it barely visible, so he tried to call out to Prudoria. After several minutes of shouting, Anglo slowly gave up on the search as he walked over to the nearest tree and sat down, his wings like a tent around him.

As he scanned the snow, his eyes widened at the speckles of blood, and worried about who it belonged to, instantly got up and followed the trail.

Picking up his pace the more blood he saw, he stumbled a bit at the sight of the bodies, but increasingly worried about the feathers around them.

"Prudoria!" he yelled, now running as he followed the trail, the rush of adrenaline made him forget about the frost-biting cold, "PRUDORIA, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

M:   The trail was quickly fading away from the storm, but it still led Anglo to a hunting cabin, most likely belonging to the dead hunters. The door had scratch marks on it and was barely hanging onto its hinges, the paw prints led inside.

There were no other humans in or near the cabin, only two horses in a stable nearby. Inside there was Aslan, covered in blood from head to tail, though not all of it was from the hunters. He had a shredded right wing and wouldn't put any pressure on his left paw, not to mention his right eye had a broken blade sticking out of it.

Despite his injuries, the Manticore only worried about his unconscious owner, trying to keep Prudoria warm while licking the bullet wounds in his abdomen and wings.

N:   "No," Anglo whispered when he came to a sudden stop at the doorway, fixated on Prudoria, and he rushed forward to his side. When he was sure that Aslan was fine being near his owner, the Englishman gently lifted up the Prussian's head.

"He's freezing," he muttered to himself, "and barely breathing." Scanning around the room, he carefully placed Prudoria back down and tried to get a fire going, and when there was a small flame, he ran around the cabin in search of more supplies.

Finally, with a medkit in hand, he carefully moved Prudoria closer to the fireplace and went straight to work. Cleaning up the Prussian's wounds, he began to apply pressure on his abdomen to try to stop the bleeding, but it was barely helping.

"Please don't die on me," he begged as he vibrates his wings, hoping somehow that someone was nearby, "please, Prudoria, don't die."

Seeing that the Manticore was trying to help, the country stopped him and only gave him a small pat on his mane. "You've done enough, Aslan," the country spoke softly, "you protected him, but you're hurt too. I'll do the worrying for you, but now rest."

Death and Rebirth: Roleplay with TheNovaSwag #2Where stories live. Discover now