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I came, i saw, i left

THE CAR CAME TO A halt in the parking lot of an airport. Without sparing a glance behind him, Noel shot out of the car.

I went ahead to grab my tote bag and I froze when it was nowhere to be found. I turned to Nye - as I found out through bits of conversations- "Did I bring my bag?" I asked, my breath getting faster.

"No. You came hands empty."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"There's absolutely no way I left it. I sleep with that bag, I can't loose it. It has my clothes and valuable stuff- and- and-,"

Somehow, through this slight fit of panic attack, Nico opened the passenger door on my side. His hand on my shoulder startled me as he patted it, almost reassuringly.

"I'll ask someone to bring it before we board." He assured me. "I'll make the phone call."

So maybe Nico wasn't the worst.

"What is in there that is so valuable to you, anyways?"

"Money, you genius. What is more valuable than money?" I asked him, like it was the most obvious thing in life.

"You do realise you might the missing daughter of a billionaire, right?" He scoffed. "Why would you think about money if you're sure about it?"

I really didn't appreciate his mocking tone, especially since he was present to the whole ordeal that went on in the interrogation room.

"I came here to avoid orphanages. Ever heard of them? Or does your rich nepo baby brain not know what those are? And if you think I'll take a dime from you, if I end up staying with you, you're absolutely nuts." I explained, emphasising on the fact that he can take his money and shove it up his ass.

I always took care of myself, having been living off of a job where I allowed men to look at my tits ever since I was only sixteen. I wouldn't not allow this boy that lived his life cushioned with silk pillows to judge me or ruin my mood.

God, Nye was definitely the worse.

I got out of the car after that. I was not going to stay there and let him belittle me. And I was shocked at the sight. I expected we were in parking lot for cars, not private jets. Apparently, this kind of VIP drove straight to where they board the plane. Makes you wonder what kind of shady activities they partake in.

Noel was already up the stairs leading to the jet, followed closely by Neo. Nico was nowhere to be found, but Nolan stopped by my side.

"Go on. That's the Ricci's private jet. It'll take us to Vegas."

I nodded, tongue twisted. Nolan went ahead of me, without a care in the world.

Rich boys loved their private jets that emit more carbon in one go than one human should be responsible of.

When I joined them on the plane the twins were sprawled across a leather couch that looked so expensive it could pay rent.Noel and Nolan sat across of each other in two facing love seats, a chess set already getting spread on the table. I felt like an intruder, even though these men were supposed to be my brothers.

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