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100 times a therapist was needed

I TURNED AROUND TO CHECK THE OWNER of the deep gravelly voice, and how I wish I hadn't.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I knew that voice. I knew that face. And I for sure thought I knew the asshole behind it all.

I turned back forward, pretending I didn't recognize his black tousled hair and green eyes.

Breathe Noemi. He won't recognize you. Right! Right?

Without a care in the world, he pulled a chair from a neighboring table and brought it to ours as Theo made space for him beside him.

I knew I was probably staring daggers into his head but I couldn't help myself. I was sure it was him, undoubtedly. No one carried himself as he did. No one had that sultry voice like him.

Once he sat down, he seemed to notice the extra presence among his friend group. He looked at me with a hint of curiosity before uttering: "Have I seen you before?"

I was this close to admitting the truth if it weren't for Neo who talked. "I sure hope the fuck not."

I knew what kind of people he was. The fuck boy kind, the jock with a girl on every arm. I've seen it firsthand. But I had my fair share of awful experiences with those who thought they peaked during high school. Yet, I couldn't fathom that he was part of that clique. He seemed kind the first time I talked to him long ago.

"Yeah. Probably not," he answered.

I shrugged, trying to keep calm as a waitress finally approached us. Everyone quickly ordered, seemingly familiar with the menu of the restaurant. The twins picked the task of choosing for me, promising that the chicken gyros bowl was the tastiest thing in existence.

I never had the chance to eat Greek food, but I trusted their taste in food was better than their taste in fashion, hoping their Italian origin would show in this instance.

The lunch wrapped up relatively quickly as Theo wouldn't be able to miss the next class -the dean threatened he'd tell his dad if he skipped another class and that thought seemed to make everyone around the table shudder-.

When we left the restaurant, we found it was raining which seemed really weird for how screeching hot it was a few hours ago.

"We fucked up the planet. Now it's payback," Minerva had said.

I nodded to that, as the twins asked me to wait for them at the entrance while they brought the car around. Minerva got busy chatting with her boyfriend, the couple quickly getting wrapped up in their own bubble of love which I've tuned out, for the sake of my sanity.

The problem is, while I wouldn't have minded waiting for my brothers (the fact that men like the Riccis are related to me is still a shock to my system) by myself, having Alexander next to me, was a burning reminder of what had happened, a few months ago.

I tried my best to ignore his presence yet all I could focus on was the feeling of him staring daggers at the back of my head.

He got closer to me, his tall figure looming over me like the grim reaper himself as he whispered."I remember you." In shock, I couldn't even turn around to check if Minerva and Em had heard us. I just stood there stunned, jaw hanging open, as a smirk decorated his face.

I  liked to believe that if we hadn't been public and surrounded by people I'd like to call my friends, I would've had the pleasure of rearranging his face with a well-placed punch.

Despite my resolve, my thoughts came out as a jumbled mess."But why...You said you didn't..." Anger threatened to spill over; he had no right whatsoever to talk to me now with the intention of blackmailing me. That was clearly his intention. If not, why bother saying it at this moment?

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