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previously on : chaotic stupid

"DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DRIVING a Formula 1 car?" I asked, clutching the seat belt and holding on for dear life. It didn't do much, really, in Neo's convertible Ferrari as the wind continuously slapped me in the face.

" It's either this, or we go by Nye's turtle pace," Neo answered, grinning as the wind messed with his hair. His hands clutched the steering wheel as we drove to town, speed well past the limit.

"I'd rather go slow than go dead," Nye mumbled, looking equally distressed.

The asshole had no sense of self-preservation, not even the basic instincts that kept the human race alive until now.

" Don't listen to him, Noemi. You have no idea how many times Nico had to bail him out of jail because he doing bullshit with his motorcycle," Neo chuckled and his brother sent him a heated look full of anger that told me he'd kill him if our lives weren't in Neo's hands.

"No way, you actually drive a bike !" On second thought, it seemed fitting to his bad-boy persona. Fear for my life forgotten, I leaned forward, interested in the new information. "You have to take me on a tour."

"I'd even teach you to drive it." Nye accepted, a warm smile replacing his scowl.

The car slowed down a bit as we got into the busier part of town. The change of scenery was flagrant, quickly switching from luxurious mansions and gardens so big they should be called parks to narrow streets nestled between high buildings.

Nye fumbled with a few buttons and the roof closed as soon as the traffic got denser.

" I am wondering," Neo started, "do you have a driving license, Neomi?"

"It's not like I have any use for it," I leaned back on the comfortable leather seat, the sensation clashing with the images running through my head. " I was taking driving lessons in secret- lessons that I've paid for by myself- but then sweet ole dad caught me and threatened the instructor if he'd ever accept me again before beating the living daylight out of me."

I shrugged like it's no big deal. And it isn't really. Those memories have already faded, a skill to develop if you want to survive an abusive household.

"Don't call him dad," Neo growled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening so hard, his knuckles turning while. "He's never been your dad."

"Nothing is going to happen to you, Noemi. No one will ever hurt you. You're safe with us, I promise" Nye chimed in, and when he turned around to look at me, his eyes looked glossy.

I sighed, closing my eyes as memories flew by, not a single one of them leaving a slight positive feeling. "I need more than that to feel safe again, Nye. I lived a life of terror and uncertainty 'til last night, so I'm still adjusting. But thank you."

" I get it." Neo nodded. "And what happened to you was horrible. But your brothers will spend the rest of their lives giving you back your throne as the Ricci princess."

I chuckled at that, warmth filling me. "I like the sound of that."


"Is this a shopping mall or a shopping castle?" Noemi asked, her eyes widening comically.

I knew her comment was supposed to be funny, and it sorta was, but it's the reason behind it that makes me want to spend every last penny on planet Earth on whatever she desires.

Noemi must've noticed my eyes softening because she shot me a hard look. "I don't want your pity. I am here to take my revenge on the world and spend my money on whatever I want."

She strolled around, ahead of us, back to being the confident girl I met at the police station.

Besides me, Neo laughed wholeheartedly. "Oh no no, that's not how it works here," he said between bursts of laughter.

Noemi stilled beside me, a look of confusion and then shame crossing her face before she neutralized them. She can't hide the tears forming in her eyes though, and I had to wonder what sorts of -obviously- wrong thoughts she is having. "I thought I could do whatever I wanted to with the money." She asked, her voice slightly shaking

" Of course, you can," Neo who hadn't noticed the change of demeanor answered. " That's for the crazy teenage whims, as Nico says. He doesn't want us to grow up spoiled rotten."

A smile finally broke through Noemi's face and she laughed as she rolled her eys. "Hard not to turn rotten with a few thousand every month."

Neo chuckled back, steps never faltering as he guided us to the first boutique he saw that met his standards. "But seriously though, clothes are considered as essential even if they cost a few grand. Get used to it."

Strolling between the racks of clothes, a few items caught Noemi's attention. She seemed to gravitate towards black clothes which Neo seemingly approved of as he nodded his head with a thumbs up. And before she could flip the tag and check the price of the item that piqued her curiosity, I snatched the shirt from her hands.

"I'll hold it for you," I said feigning innocence.

"I'll play along, Nye, and pretend I have no idea what you're doing," she answered, marching on to wherever Cluess Neo was pulling her towards.

It was amazing how easy conversations continued between us like she was always here.


As we sat eating ice cream in a restaurant that was not suitable for only having ice cream, I marveled at the new warm feeling, still unknown to me. Even as the other patrons having lunch in peace shot us looks of absolute disgust, I didn't seem to care. Sure we were being obnoxious as we quarreled about the worst ice cream flavor - which is mint chocolate if you're wondering- and totally awful and loud, a thing I wouldn't have dared to do if was with those who raised me, but with the twins, there wasn't an ounce of judgment, maybe because they were worse than me in that regard.

"Thank you guys, I had fun today."

"Us too," Neo answered, mouth full of a scoop of chocolate ice cream.

I chuckled and we finished our big bowls of ice cream to avoid disturbing the other people much longer.

On our way out, each of our arms busy with shopping bags, we passed a bookstore where Neo suggested we stop.

"I've never someone in such a hurry to go to a bookstore," I mumbled to Nye as his twin stormed past us but I could tell in the glint of his eyes that he was as excited as his brother. It seemed to me that he never let his emotions spill, while Neo was very obvious if not oblivious.

We found him in the comic book section, flipping through the pages of what was marketed as new releases. And when Nye crept closer to his brother, interested in the content of whatever monster fight was going on in the book, it hit me.

"You're a bunch a nerds," I exclaimed, and they looked at me alarmed. "You've spent the whole day giving me fashion advice like you're the next top designer while you're fucking nerds who want to get their hands on their favorite comic books."

I laughed out loud as they tried to suppress my snickering as best as they could. "We can be both," Neo finally admitted, looking absolutely mortified. "Geeks who know how to dress better than you exist."

"That's for sure. But when you've spent 30 minutes mansplaining to me how you rule your school, I thought you'd be the quintessential jocks."

Neo grumbled, picking two copies of the comic book they were flipping through and headed straight to the register. My laughter grew tenfold at the image.

"First of all, Nye only swims and I only go to the gym. We're not the football captain stereotype," Neo warned me, even though it was obvious he was suppressing laughter on his own.

"I guess it's because you'd fight about the position," I ventured. And Neo sighed dramatically, sounding exasperated as he picked up his pace towards the exit, followed shortly by Nye. "If you're into Marvel, at least assume it."

lighthearted chapter cuz I can't fathom it's back to school season. I can't take it.

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