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feel my wrath and extreme self-doubt

𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄 of your long-lost brother while the other assheads stare at you confused was a humbling experience. But with the relief coursing through me followed by a wave of tiredness, I didn't have it in me to care about how stupid I seemed.

"Are you sure this is reliable?" I finally asked when my sobs have calmed down.

"This lab is the best in the area," Nico assured me, but it does nothing to appease my worry.

"Hold on," Noel interfered for the first time this morning, "This is the same sweet Nyx we're talking about?"

He didn't have to point at me for me to understand what he meant. I may not be the brightest bulb, but it didn't take rocket science to understand that his condescending words were aimed at me.

His words hurt me more than actually made me angry. But I wasn't about to let them walk all over me, especially not Noel. "Try being raised by an abusive rapist and a heinous bitch, and see if you're still sweet. You've been fed a golden spoon since the womb, and yet you're the worst asshole. I think my behavior is excused."  Not that I did anything wrong. So what if I enjoyed putting these spoiled men in their places? No shame in it.

"Spoken like a true Ricci," Neo whispered, as he leaned against the wall, a gleam in his eyes I can't pinpoint. And I was sort of glad of his comment. It made me feel like I belonged.

And it calmed my anger a bit. Noel didn't back down though. I would've hated getting in a fight with him, especially since he seemed to carry more muscle than bones and could've broken mine with just one punch. Luckily, Nico interfered, putting a stop to our eye-shooting-daggers contest.

"She is our sister. Multiple sources have proven that. So get used to it," Nico warned, voice cold yet his speech warm.

"Does that mean she'll be going to school with us?" Nye asked, horrified like someone just shot his grandmother.

"Shut it, nerd. It's still summer," Neo sighed looking equally distressed.

"Naturally," Nico said. " She is senior too."

"How do you know that?" I ask, leaning a bit across the kitchen counter to grab an apple.

" I know everything there is to know about you."

I stared at him, half in surprise, half creeped out.

" I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. " I said, and Nolan handed me a knife to peel my apple as he mumbled 'wise choice'. "You don't know my favorite color though."

"Let me guess. Red?" Noel scoffed.

And I would've answered him, if he wasn't spot on. "You can't guess what shade though," I mumbled, pouting. As childish as it seems, I wasn't about to let that man have the final word.

Neo bursted out laughing, doubling over with tears in his eyes, as Nye joined him, laughing more quietly.

Nico sighed in exasperation. " Back to more pressing matters."

"If it's one of those posh school where they wear uniforms and have horses then, no." I contested.

"It's not really a choice." Nolan said matter of factly. "Also, there's no uniforms."

"Am I supposed to sigh of relief right now?"

" St. Elaine Academy is the best school in the area and you get your money's worth." Nolan explained.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now