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funny story (someone died)

THE RIDE HOME WAS TENSE, with charged electricity burning along our systems.

I was worried this sour mood was because of my fit of rage with the Dean's daughter but it seemed excessive to me that a mafia don like Nico would care this much about a teenager's quarrel.

Even this twins' attempt at a lifting up the cloud of wrath drifting upon our car was in vain.

"So...Noemi..." Nico started grinding his teeth. I felt the worry rise to my throat at his icy cold tone, my heart beating so hard, if felt like it was jumping out of my chest.

"The news of your arrival have traveled far..."

I hummed.

"As far back as Italy..."

My eyes widened, surprise evident on my face. I knew the Ricci family went as far back as European noblesse but I had never thought they were still were on speaking terms.

"Fun," I shrugged.

"No. It's really not." Noel chimes in and I felt the twins tense up.

"Those people are awful. Genuinely terrible human beings." Nico's grasp on the wheel tightening until his knuckles turned white.

"They're mafiosos." Like duh. 

"They might not dare to physically hurt you, but they'll play the most vile games with your mind. They'll fuck you up." Noel explained, eyes wide in a mix of uncontrollable anger and buried fear.

"It's funny you think that those people have an effect on me anymore. I survived long enough in my own to be turned away by these wannabe devils," I scoffed, offended.

At this point in my life, I've been through enough bullshit to last me a lifetime. I couldn't care any less that some distant cousin of mine didn't like me. "And if I let then walk all over me, I don't deserve to be a Ricci."

Nico's muscles relaxed a bit as a smile appeared on his face.

"Just be cautious though. And don't be too hard on yourself. Those people fight dirty and dig deep into the past. And anyways the only person you should be worry about is Don Emiliano."

"Who's that?"

"Our oldest uncle, runs the mafia in Italy. He's a cold blooded killer but he's got principles which is better than I can say about everyone else."

"So like the godfather then." 

"Don't ever let him hear you say that." Noel sighed, seemingly already giving up, as Nico parked the car in front of the mansion among many other cars that obviously didn't belong to Nico.

"Don't worry, Noemi. We got you," Neo whispered in my ear as he stood beside me.

"You seem more worried than me," I cocked my head to the side, amusement evident in the glint that shone in my eyes.

"It might seem silly; but I am worried that it might be what drives you away from our life once again."

I was surprised at the genuine melancholy in his eyes. I never expected Noe, out of all of my brothers, the one I got the closest to, to ever think I was ever letting go.

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