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begrudgingly saving the world

"AM I GETTING KIDNAPPED AGAIN?" I question the twins as the car sneaked through the dense traffic of the city toward an unknown destination.

At first, it seemed we were heading to school, then they took an exit, and the lush greenery was replaced by tall skyscrapers and reflective windows.

"Ha. Ha," Nye mocked, and I saw his eye twitch in the rearview mirror. "We're skipping the rest of the day."

The revelation piqued my curiosity. "I thought everything was reported back to Nico. He'd have your skin if he knew you only attended the half of your first day."

The twins shared a glance full of worry as if they hadn't thought about their brother's anger.

"Nah. Don't worry." Neo smiled as he swiftly escaped the traffic. "He won't be that mad."

"If it makes you sleep at night."

I heard the sermon that Nico gave the twins last night -even I had an earful of it- about how important their senior year is, and how they should get serious after all the freedom he gave them all through high school, and then he threatened to put them in charge of 'cargaison offloading' if they didn't obey. I didn't know what that entailed, but from the way they shuddered from head to toe, it couldn't be anything good. I knew it was his own way, though a bit stern, of showing that he cared about their well-being and future. Even if your brother was the Don of a Mafia Family, you still needed a university degree.

"Oh god, we have another tyrant at home." Nye rolled his eyes, looking too betrayed for someone whom his sister was trying to make him avoid the devil's wrath.

I was about to retort when the car stopped abruptly in front of a seemingly normal mall.

"What are y'all doing in a commoner's mall or is it one of your money laundering schemes?" I joked. It seemed out of character for the twins to come shopping here when they bought school supplies from a store next to a high-end luxury clothing store.

"We can go anywhere else. Doesn't have to be here." Nye winced, as if regretting his choices.

I hate seeing them walking on eggshells around me as if I'd break at any extra force or flee at any minor inconvenience. I understand, that my disappearance had also hurt them and traumatized the two innocent boys in them, it had ripped their sister from their arms in a fleeting second, and couldn't even say goodbye.

"I don't really care where we go, as long as we're together," I reassured them, squirming in my seat as I got uneasy under their stares. I truly meant it: what I got to experience with the twins these past few days had been engraved in my memory forever as some of the happiest moments I've experienced. So what if I showed them some appreciation? Then without any warning, Nye shot out of his seat as if he'd been bit. "The fuck is wrong with your brother?"

"Cognitive dysfunction," Neo bit back then got out of the car as quickly as his brother, though I saw him wipe a stray tear away.

I followed their lead, stumbling into the parking lot. "So what do we do now?"

"It's Arcade time, baby !" Neo shouted in enthusiasm, fists pumping into the air as he led us towards the entrance, all traces of negative emotions already gone.

The arcade was not busy as it was three in the afternoon on Monday. The lights were blinding, hundreds of little glowing orbs coming from various games in the top-most floor of the mall. And I loved it all, despite the pain that started to settle behind my eyes. The atmosphere had the same effect on me as it did for the last seven years of my life when I discovered what arcades were. Ten-year-old me would be so excited over this new location.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now