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50 shades of your blood


I knew Noemi was used to violence and the corrupt morals of society. But seeing how well she handled the situation, how cold she seemed because appearances were the only thing that truly mattered, as she faced death, scoffed at it, and fucking demanded ice cream, I couldn't help but worry: not for her, I know she'll do fabulously, but for the world who'll have to deal with the havoc of another Ricci.

She's walked, held high, across the living room where the venomous Italian vipers grinned and scoffed at Noemi's haggard expression. She'd walked right through the den and straight to the front door. 

"So it seems you failed," Aunt Florentia scoffed.  And it hit me just then, how different it all seemed to them; all of us coming upstairs, angry and disheveled, Noemi going straight to the front door; it all hinted towards her failure. 

Noemi completely ignored her, her vision focused on Nico who came jogging towards her, his wallet in hand. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked her.

"There's this one I like, next to the mall."  She shrugged like it's no big deal.

Nico nodded, fishing his car keys out of his pockets. "Let's go then." And they marched off, without a care in the world.

When the rest of us didn't follow, too fucking stunned to realize what just went on; how did we just skip from an execution to a trip to the ice cream store?

"Hurry up," Noemi yelled, huffing. "The store'll close soon."

And we fucking did, hurry I mean. Completely ignoring the curious demands of our family.


When three men in suits followed by three teenagers who look like they belong in a rock band walk into an ice cream store, it's bound to make the patrons and the owners worry. Especially, if they're gonna talk about the latest events that went on, here it being the fresh murder of a man.

As soon as we walked in, Noemi threw herself against the red fake leather booth, letting go of pent-up jumbled emotions. Emotions never made sense after a kill. Witnessing the murder of a human being makes you a bit more glad to be alive, to not have been in his spot. And even I, couldn't deny my relief.

"What're you going to pick?" Nico asked.

"Mint chocolate," I answered.

Noemi looked disgusted, the twins mirroring her expression, exchanging a silent conversation through their disgusted stares. And I didn't mind it as much, them mocking me, if it meant that it'd take their worried minds off of what happened.

"What?" I asked nonetheless, never willing to go down without a fight.

"Nothing." Her tone was obviously mocking, though. "Absolutely nothing."

Nico came back carrying 3 scones in his ringed hands, one of which drowned in colourful sprinkles, obviously for Noemi. Nolan followed him, carrying the rest.

"So how are you feeling?" Neo asked, instantly getting stabbed in the stomach by his twin's elbow in order to silence him.

No matter how much letting it all out would be good, the poor girl still hasn't processed what just went on.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now