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I'm trying but they're hot.

THE NEXT TWO CLASSES WERE better than being in the witch's lair. And they would've qualified as good if it weren't for the heavy burden of other people's stares.  It seemed news traveled faster than the speed of light in these cult-like communities.

I didn't mind them as much, continuing with my day alongside my brothers. I didn't talk to many people, and I'd like to blame it on the twins being intimidating, not the fact that I've been resurrected from the dead in their folktales.

And when lunchtime rolled around, I couldn't be more glad for the hour-and-a-half break that awaited. School was more tiring when you had to go across a huge school three times to change classes.

"Good lord, why do these classes keep getting boring?" Neo mumbled, energy draining out of him with each step he took towards the exit.

"Especially biology!" Nye chimed in, arm wrapped around my shoulder as they led me to their car.

"Where are we going?" I asked, confused. I thought all students were supposed to have lunch in the school cafeteria. Yet, the twins were heading outside. Were they about to graze on the grass like some sort of herbivores? That's the only nutrient I can think of that's currently outside.

"There's this really tasty restaurant not far away," Nye started, heading towards the driver's seat.

"They got the best-" Neo's words came to a sudden halt.

"Where do you think you're going?" When I turned around, I came face to face with a man, seemingly a teacher. He was standing too close for comfort and I took a step back, preferring not to stir any trouble on my first day here because I knew I'd say something I'd regret if I opened my mouth right now.

"What did you say?" Nye's voice was colder than the Arctic and he turned around, simultaneously gripping me and tugging me closer to him.

"Oh, the Ricci twins!" Cold sweat beaded on his forehead and I found it funny; the image of an old man scared shitless of two teenagers.  "I didn't recognize you. I must tell you though, this young lady cannot leave the school grounds in the middle of the day."

It seemed in this school, only a select few could leave the school grounds in the middle of the day. I was sure the Ricci name belonged on that list.

Nye sighed in annoyance behind me, while Neo let out a sour laugh that was anything but friendly.

"Why not? She's as much of a Ricci as us."

The teacher's eyes flew wide in shock. His mouth hung open for a second as his mind wrapped around the rather shocking news. I understand where he's coming from. After all, I was in his spot just a few days back.

"This is Noemi, our sister," Nye grinned, his smirk dangerous and ominous, carrying a threat as much as a promise. "Treat her well."

Nye then turned around, not waiting for any further form of approval. It seemed the Ricci name was enough to spread fear in the limbs of whoever heard it.

As soon as I got in the car, a laugh escaped my lips catching everyone, even me, by surprise. The twins looked at me in confusion which only made the situation funnier. 

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