
332 19 12

I'll go down in history as the world's biggest idiots

''For me.'' Alexander's arms snaked around my waist, pulling me to his chest. The air filled with his scent, earthy cologne and musk. Demitri's touch disappeared, and my muscles relaxed.

I turned around to face Demitri whose facial expression was bordering on psychotic rage. I didn't pull away from Alexander's hold, his body shielding me from the blazing sun and Demitri's anger. His gaze was fleeting between us, mouth twisted in a grimace at the proximity; Alexander held me in a side hug, his arms still around my waist. He stared at him in equal anger, disgust evident in the way his chest heaved.

''Go on, Demitri. We'll join you.'' Alexander gestured towards the black car, his eyes challenging.

Demitri let out a grunt, shoulders deflating. Even he didn't dare stand against Alexander, in his 6'5 glory. He walked away, huffing like a child.

''You really should not be left alone,'' he said as he started marching on towards his car, his hand slipping towards mine, in a tight hold.

''Not my fault,'' I grumbled. ''Guys are fucking disgusting.''

''I know right.''

I looked at him inquisitively - since when did you shit on your brothers? What happened to bro code?- but he simply flashed a smile and opened his car door for me. Apparently, bro code didn't exist when bro was being a dick.


The coffee shop we agreed to meet at was quaint. Pink flowers adorned its exterior walls while vines hanged above the sign, shielding the glass windows from the sunlight.

Demitri was waiting for us in front of it, a lit cigarette is his hand as he scrolled through his phone.

We walked past him through the door, and he acknowledged us with a grunt before following behind.

Luckily, the coffee shop was not too busy with only a few people already engrossed in their work.

I took a seat by the window, already feeling tired from the day. I was not ready to do any more work.

The chair besides me scraped, and I sighed at the sight of Demitri already throwing his stuff next to me.

I rolled my eyes at his caveman behaviour, not willing to fight any longer. I was bone tired, the pain in my veins digging in my soul.

Before he could rest his ass on the chair though, Alexander grabbed him by the arm, tight grip making the surrounding skin red.

"You sit in front of me." Alexander said, gesturing towards another spot.

"What makes you think-?" That you'd listen to him? Because everyone here is wishing you're not stupid enough to piss me or Alexander off for real.

"Don't bother her anymore." Alexander's warning tasted like a bullet shot right through the brain with his icy cold voice and demeaning look. "And don't get near her ever again or I'll knock your teeth out you'll be picking them up one by one."

I didn't need Alexander going all psycho killer no matter how good that looked him ; but I was still thankful this whole issue got resolved with minimal headache for me and I was already sporting a pretty bad migraine.

I shot him a thankful smile nonetheless ; one he reciprocated with a nod.

We pretty much ignored the whole ordeal for the next few hours, focusing on our project and even Demitri seemed to not be a complete dickhead when he was busy researching.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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