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Miles was able to set up a relatively safe spot within the crevice of the rocks. Finally able to drop his unreasonably heavy bag, he felt relieved. The sun was setting rather quickly this time, so he didn't have much time to gather what was in the area. He managed to scavenge for a couple sticks, and enough materials to make a campfire for the night.

The moon made its eventful appearance, casting its beauty upon the world once more. However, with the moon, also came the beasts that followed. In fact, it seemed like they were beginning to grow in numbers. Zombies began forming hordes, shambling around, looking for something to sink their teeth in, it wasn't difficult to hear the bones and bows of skeletons as they wandered around the forest, spiders marked their territories in blankets of frightening snow, and creepers were just itching to explode.

Miles laid in his sleeping bag, looking up at the crevice. It was peaceful, the warmth of the campfire illuminating his face, his eyes. It was almost too peaceful. He thought about his life, and all the events he went through to get here.

Miles has always wanted a nice and cozy life. A life that didn't require him to do anything he didn't want to do. He preferred to be alone, just like this with his thoughts. Love? He doesn't believe in love, especially after what happened the last time. Friends? They come and go, its fun to have them around, but they always fade into history. Family? It was fun while it lasted. Now, its just Miles, and he's okay with that.

Just Miles... and his growling stomach, guess it's time to eat something before bed. It wasn't much, but a few apples should do the trick. Apples are good, especially the gold ones. Now, it was time to get some shut eye. Tomorrow, he'll build the cabin and explore his new area.

It seemed like things were finally going right.

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