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I hacked away at tree leaves, leaving nothing but bark in my path. I was sweating, whimpering, hell, I was crying by this point. I wondered how my axe didn't break off its handle and went flying somewhere.

It turns out, the guy Josh had brought me to was full of shit. Well, at least on the golden food part of the business he was. He sold golden items, not food.

So now I had a really bad situation. Enid looked like she was on the verge of death, and she still didn't wake up. However, there was one medicine I knew worked for almost anything. The medicine of golden apples and carrots. Before the "Gem Snakes" robbed me blind, I had plenty to go around for my travels. They've helped me recover from most of the dumb shit I would hurt myself on.

Would it work for injuries like her though? I could only speculate. That is what terrifies me the most about this. The Gem Snakes beat her like she was an animal, and I failed to do anything about it. I hated myself for it, for not jumping in to help her.

What could I have done differently? Gone against Josh and got myself killed? I can't fucking fight! I can barely keep myself out of harm from mobs, what could I have done to help her?!

But, why didn't I try? Josh kept me back, right? No! He didn't! If I truly wanted to help her, I would have! I hesitated, froze, I fucked up. It's my fault.

Miles paused swinging his axe, before he briefly punched himself in the chin.

It was a bad situation... I can't let myself think like that. Fucking hell, this is why I don't like associating with people. I get like this all the time when I don't do anything to help someone I started caring about.

He sadly sighed, before going back to tearing leaves apart, collecting any apples that reveal themselves to him.

I just... really don't wanna see Enid die. Not even for the small amount of time we've spent together. She's made running away worth it for me.

She wont die, i'll make sure of it. I've fucked up over and over again in my life, but I wont fuck this up. It's a simple recipe, apples dipped in golden syrup. Syrup made from mushrooms, sugar, and golden nuggets. Let them soak for about 2 minutes for a maximum effect, then consume. They taste almost like candy apples, the sugar makes them sweet and sour. The mushrooms are there for flavor purposes. The gold for some reason helps with healing, but i've heard crazy shit like people eating golden melons.

That's actually where I got the idea, from history. Long ago, people used stews to make remedies a lot. In fact, gold back then was praised as the most valuable resource before emeralds became a worldwide currency. People used gold for everything, their buildings, their weapons, food, etc. It was cherished like it came directly from god itself.

To me, the only useful thing to come out of it was the golden stews. I don't know what it is, but golden apples and carrots specifically contain natural healing properties. I blend these into stews containing whatever else I can throw in, and you got yourself a food that will keep you alive.

It's like brewing to me, but for cooking. I can't cook for shit, unless it's stew. That's probably the only thing i'm good at making in the kitchen. The only value I learned traveling here. Who knows, not my problem.

What is my problem is right now deals with gold. Surprisingly enough, I had to buy a shit ton of golden items from that market. I wanted ingots, but the guy actually only had items. I felt scammed out of everything my pockets contained. I lost the emeralds Enid almost lost her life for, and for what, not ingots, but shit I can only smelt into nuggets.

I don't know where the hell I'm gonna get the stuff to make this stew, but I have to try.

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