The Light

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I lowered my gaze, trying not to blind myself. I don't know what the hell I came across, and yet... I felt like I knew about it my entire life. It... looked like a diamond ore. I had only seen one diamond in my entire life. However, there was something completely different about this ore.

It lay on top of a stone hill, and I assumed it was a vein of one. What caught my eye the most however, was the color. This wasn't an ordinary diamond. This diamond was... yellow. It was yellow and shined brighter than any lamp or glowstone I ever walked past.

[Miles] "what...?"

Naturally, I gazed at it. It was intense, I had found something I had never even seen before. Can my pickaxe even break that? I don't know. I nearly smiled, finding something this awesome right on death's door.

The closer I moved toward its light, the more alive I felt. I realized I was healing somehow, the pain gradually fading away. My mind was spinning by this point. I could move again.

Miles crept slowly and carefully up the hill. The closer he got to the top, the slower he had to move. However, there was some kind of invisible aura that was healing his body. He looked down at himself and watched as all of the cuts and bruises on his skin slowly but surely closed and cleared away into nothing.

[Miles] "what..?"

Suddenly an arrow landed next to him, causing him to move toward the diamond. He was presumably under attack by skeletons.

Arrows and hisses were now all around me, it seemed like whatever just gave me a massive health boost is something the monsters down here don't want be to take. Yet, despite the efforts... I... I knew what I had to do. This diamond had some sort of regenerative magic power with it... and I was going to bring it home.

I clenched the butterflies, or fear moths, in my stomach. Then, I went for the diamond. I was nearly at the top of the stone hill by this point. All I had to do was not be disturbed by the monsters that were now suddenly surrounding the hill.

Miles made it to the top of the hill. He raised his pickaxe, but before he could make the first strike. A huge spider suddenly landed beside him.

[Miles] "Aah-! Whatthe-"

Without a moment's hesitation, the spider lept onto his chest. He screamed out of fear, trying to wrestle the insect off of him. It only hissed in response as it tried to turn him into a webbed cocoon.

[Miles] "Get...! Off-!"

Miles, who was particularly covered in web fluids, managed to kick the spider off before it could finish. He did it just in time too, as a few zombies managed to shamble their way up the hill to him.

[Miles] "Oh.. Fuck!"

He raised his pickaxe between him and one of the zombies that lunged at him. After a tense moment of struggle, he was able to swing it off of the hill. It tumbled down to the bottom where it knocked into a small group of monsters.

Before Miles had time to savor the moment, he was ambushed by another zombie. It nearly bit into his shoulder from behind him. Miles yelped in surprise as he attempted to bodyslam the zombie off his back. It worked enough for him to roll off the zombie.

[Miles] "okay- fuck this!"

Miles turned toward the glowing diamond, his eyes squinting slightly as he raised his pickaxe.

The zombie he slammed attempted to grab his leg, and he kicked it away.

He only then noticed the large amount of monsters climbing the hill, but in the heat of the moment, he couldn't care less.

He raised his pickaxe high into the air...

and brought it down.

As I brought the pickaxe back down, I felt a sudden wave of static numbness hit my whole body. I felt like I had received an electric shock, and it took me a second to regain my composure. I focused on holding my pickaxe as I swung again.

This time, I actively watched a shockwave pulse through me, it was bright and yellow. The mobs that were around me suddenly were thrown back by the wave, they seemed to feel it a lot more than I did. In fact, all of them looked like they were actually hurt by whatever I just caused.

I focused on the diamond, if it could hurt the mobs then it could be the key to getting me out of here! It was cracked by this point, so I hit it again. The shockwave that followed was a bit stronger, and I had to really hold onto my pickaxe to prevent myself from dropping it.

I swung again, and I felt nothing but static in my nerves. I could no longer hear the mobs around me, but I didn't bother turning my head to look at them. The ore was severely cracked now, I needed to power through for one final swing.

I gathered as much energy as I could muster up, and I yelled. I yelled as I brought down one powerful swing onto the ore, and it broke.

I was blinded by the light that followed, and I had to cover my eyes entirely. I heard a resonating hum come from what I thought was the diamond that dropped.

Then, the flash happened.


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