my destiny was you.

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there is a window to everything that is the world
a lens in which life reveals itself
i believe my window was in a constant state of fogginess before i met you
cloudy and blurred,
the world exhibited no joy except in fleeting moments
there was not a single thing i knew of myself
you come and wipe the fog from my window and my eyes
you come like no other before
and sink in all i am without preconceptions
for once i am seen as something to hold gently something froze inside of me before you and i could not crack it
you light a fire in my soul that made me fear
but now the melting does not scare me
as i ooze into your arms
and the faithfulness in your eyes that does not shake
and the fondness escaping your destined lips
gives me reason to believe
that every single piece of pain led up to this
so that i could be loved by you.
so that i could know love.

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