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12:00 am

my daisy is blooming
look in my garden
it's only one
but it's oh so beautiful!
my daisy is blooming and so am i
inside me lies
tens of thousands of butterflies

my daisy bloomed today
come look in my garden!
it's standing upright in the midst of these weeds
it passes the dandelion
as it inches toward the sun
and tells him to have a good day
and he complies
inside me lies
those thousands of butterflies
and they flutter like nothing before

somebody stepped on my daisy today!
please come quickly to my garden!
its petals are crushed into ground
its stem is bent
and it lies face down
this cannot be!
the butterflies that lie inside
stopped flying and i'm afraid they've died

my daisy is dying
don't come to my garden
it inches away from the sun
it never tells the dandelion to have a good day anymore
so he sleeps until noon
and lays his wishful head on the floor
its petals fall off one by one
its stem droops at a frightening degree
the butterflies that lied inside of me
no longer fly inside of me
it's like they are not there

my daisy died today
please come to my garden
i ask of nothing more
than a humble nod, a kind word
and a minute to mourn
its petals are gone
its stem broke in half
and the dandelion never has a good day anymore
the butterflies that lied inside
are gone
they have all died

i planted a new seed today
come look in my garden
it is not nearly the same
but one day it will have bright white petals
and a beautiful smile
and will inch towards the sun
and tell the dandelion to have a good day
and he will comply
and the butterflies will lie inside
and flutter its precious wings

the language of flowersWhere stories live. Discover now