grief is a stalking killer & i am its prey

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the remembrance of every detail of you
is the enemy with a sharpened sword
for i remember the way you laugh as i laugh
i remember the way you sleep as i sleep
i remember your midnight snacks as i walk to the kitchen for a glass of water
your silly photos become haunted memories that of a nightmare
and your belongings a sentiment of a dismembered heart
the letters you stamped with the remains of a heart that once adored me
are my lasting proof, "look! i was loved!"
i still awake to tell you my dream
and you are not there
it takes a moment of consciousness to remember all over again
night after night
your appearance in my dreams become nightmares
my biggest fear is looking you in your eyes
i am afraid of what i will find
i am afraid they will never find me the same.
i am afraid your eyes will never be fond of me again.

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