Chapter 2

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*the next morning*

My morning started out okay, until Harry decided to ring the doorbell instead of just walking in, like usual.

Belle began to scream. She'd slept all night, soundless, until our 8am unexpected visit.

"Niall! Your kid is screaming!" Harry yelled down the hall.

I opened my bedroom door and glared at him, "Oh gee Harry! You think I couldn't hear her, did you? Maybe if you'd open the door and waltz in like you do every other morning, THIS WOULDN'T BE AN ISSUE!"

I walked across the hall and picked Belle up out of her playpen. I never made it to the store last night because the lads all decided to go out to the club, so no one could watch her for me.

She quickly calmed down long enough for me to change her diaper. As I put a new dress on her I realized she'd need a bath at some point today. So I came up with a plan.

I walked into the kitchen and slammed a couple of hundred dollar bill on the counter in front of Harry who had helped himself to one of my frozen frappuchinos.

"What's this for?" He asked.

"Go to the store for me, Haz. I need baby soap and shampoo and a crib."

Harry put the bottle down on the counter, "You're kidding."

I shook my head, "No. That's what I need help with today and you just volunteered yourself."

"Honestly, I think you have to raise your hand to be a volunteer."

I grab his arm and raised it over our heads, "Thanks for volunteering Harry!" I turned and made my way to the bathroom. "Have fun!"

Harry's POV (Yay!)

If I haven't said it already, Niall was probably the weirdest kid I know. After he gave me the money and volunteered me, I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to do something nice for my best mate while spending time with my girlfriend.

Sydney actually started out as a blind date gone wrong. I sat down at the wrong table but even after we figured it out, we kept in contact. Syd was exactly what I needed, especially at the time. She was carefree but completely understanding.

I dialed her up as I got back into my car.

"Hiya Hazza!"

"Hey babe. I need your help with something."

"What's that?"

"It's easier to explain in person. Can I pick you up in ten minutes? I'm just leaving Niall's."

"Of course! Can't wait!"

"Me neither!"

Thirteen minutes later, Sydney was about ready to get back out of the car and beat some ass.

"So she dropped off a baby on Niall's doorstep and expects him to just pick up where she left off with nothing more than two weeks of diapers and wipes, a mobile and a playpen?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Wow. So what are we getting?"

"He said he needs baby soap, baby shampoo, and a crib."

She sighed, "Niall doesn't have a crib?"

I shook my head, "Lou didn't have an extra. She gave it to Caroline when she had Brooklyn."

"Hmm. Okay! So, Tesco it is, eh?"

I nodded, "I guess so. Just not sure what I'm gonna do when the paps ask why I'm buying a crib. With you." I sighed. "Damn it! I didn't think this through."

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