Chapter 21

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I Need You -M83
Fly Away - 5SOS
Drag Me Down - 1D
Dirty Little Secret - All-American Rejects
Heart on My Sleeve - Olly Murs
Read My Mind - The Wanted
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly ft Ed Sheeran

I'm fairly certain that within the time it took for our engagement to come out, I didn't take two breaths. As soon as we landed in London, the news had travelled fast. It was everywhere and Twitter was no exception.
"Hey Ni?" I asked softly. We'd just pulled up to the house and I put my phone back in my bag.
"Yeah, love?" Niall got out and opened the back door. He picked up Belle and carried her into the house.
"How do you deal with all of this crap from the fans? I mean, they hate you right now."
He shrugged, "I don't really read the hate anymore. I'm too busy focusing on you, Belle and our baby. By the way, I meant to ask when your next appointment is."
I smiled at his thoughtfulness, "It's in two weeks."
"Damn." He muttered.
"I know."
"I hate that I'm missing everything."
We stepped inside and he went straight to Belle's room. I sighed as I put the bags down and sat on the couch. I hate seeing Niall like this. It breaks my heart, but there's no way around his schedule anymore.
After a few minutes, he came out to the living room and sat beside me, pulling me into his chest. His lips lingered on my forehead.
"I hate this so much, Kat. I want to be there for you but I know I can't be."
"Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me, Niall." I said pulling back from him a bit. "You will be there because you're always in my heart. Maybe we can Skype it, okay?"
His face was still sad but he nodded, "Okay".
"C'mon Nialler. We had a great trip to Ireland. We can't ruin it. Lets go get a nap while Belle's asleep."
He stood up, "Alright." He helped me up and we walked back to our bedroom.
We weren't sleeping long when Belle's soft cries came from the baby monitor.
Niall sat up, "I'll go get her. She can come in here with us."
"Okay." I mumbled.
A minute later I heard Niall's voice in the monitor.
"Belley. You alright?"
"Can't sweep."
"Are you tired?"
There was a silence. Then, "Yes".
"Let's go to mama and daddy's room then".
I smiled. In such a short time, my life is so different. Being the end of July, a year ago I was content working all day at the Telegraph and then going to the coffe shop and shelter. I do miss the Telegraph. I miss Jen, my cube mate. I should text her and meet up soon.
Niall came back into the room with Belle in his arms.
"Mama". She mumbled when she saw me.
"Hi Belle baby".
"I tired".
"You can sleep in here then okay?"
She smiled as Niall put her on the bed and she crawled to where I was. She snuggled her head into my chest.
Niall hopped back up and wrapped his arms around the both of us.
"I love you". He whispered, looking into my hazel eyes.
"You too daddy".
He chuckled. "You too Belley."
Her breathing slowed as she fell into a deep sleep. I kept my eyes on Niall even though he was falling asleep too. There was something going on inside his head. He was thinking WAY too hard and it hurt like hell knowing there wasn't much I could do to help.

I shot up hearing Harry yell my name. "What the fuck, Harry?"
"Sorry, but I've been calling your name for ten minutes."
I finally looked around the room. It was dark out. Niall was no longer in bed but Belle was sprawled across his side. "What's going on? What time is it?"
"It's almost 8:30pm. Niall went out to get dinner."
"Then why are you here?"
"He didn't want to leave you alone".
I sighed and got up from the bed, "Why is he so paranoid? I'm only a few months younger than him."
He shrugged, "I don't know, but um you were talking in your sleep".
I gave him a look. "I-I was?"
He nodded.
"Wh-what did I say?"
"I'm not sure, but I got worried and wanted to make sure you're okay."
"O-oh. Well I think I'm okay."
Harry shook his head, "No you're not." He said calmly. "Come here." He held his arms open, and without thinking much about it, I fell into his chest and his arms wrapped around me. I sobbed.
"Shh. It's okay, Kat. Everything is going to be okay. Just tell me what's wrong?"
"He's not going to be here for the appointment. You'll all be in the States and they don't want me travelling anymore. He'll miss the gender reveal and I won't have him with me. I told him we could Skype it but it's just not the same."
Harry held me tight. "I know this hurts now Kat. But I can promise you that when the baby comes, he'll be here the whole time."
"H-how do you know that?" I choked out in between sobs.
"Because I just do, Kat. Believe me that Niall will do everything he can to be here. He loves you and this baby so much."
His hand rested on my stomach.
"I want to help him get through this but I don't know what to do."
"Just love him the best you can. That's all he wants from you."
I smiled and lightly chuckled, "You boys always know what to say."
Harry laughed quietly, "And you always say that, Kat."
We heard someone clear their throat and our heads shot towards the door.
"Hey Ni!" Harry chirped.
"Whatcha doin with my fiancee, Haz?" Niall asked, a little annoyed.
Harry took a small step back from me.
I sighed, "We were just talking, Ni."
"He had his hand on your stomach, Katie!"
"Whoa!" I said shocked, "You never call me Katie. What the hell is your issue today babe?"
"The two of you doing shit like this is my problem!"
Belle shifted in her sleep. I pointed behind Niall. "Hallway." I motioned to Harry to stay in the room with Belle.
I stepped into the hall with Niall and shut the door quietly.
"Niall, what is going on? You've never had a problem with me and Harry's friendship before. Besides, you're the one who called him to come babysit me. Which I find kind of offensive by the way."
"I asked Harry because he lives closer. Do I need to start calling Louis or Liam? Or can the two of you keep your hands off each other."
"Oh for the love of Pete, stop it, Niall! I'm serious! What has got your panties in a twist?"
He ran his fingers through his hair, "It didn't occur to me until after I'd left that he's always willing to come over, no matter what time of day. And that maybe there was more between the two of you. Like, you text him all the time."
"Yeah, that's right, I do! Mostly about you! I worry about you, Niall. He's the only one that is honest with me!"
"You shouldn't worry about me, Kat. I'm fine."
I sighed and stepped close to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He's about five inches taller than me, so his arms came more around my shoulders as he pulled me in tight. "Niall, I worry because I love you but you sometimes you shut me out. I let Harry in because he doesn't. He's open and honest all the time and I need that to stay sane. But there's nothing else between us. Please believe me."
Niall took a deep breath, but it was labored. I felt a tear hit my cheek and I looked up. I wiped the tears from his eyes. "Niall, I promised my life to you. I need you to trust me." I said softly.
He nodded, "Okay. I'm sorry."
I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed him. I put my hands on the back of his head to pull him closer.
"I love you." He said as he pulled away.
"I love you too, Nialler." I kissed him again. Desperate to get him out of his funk.
"Kat." He mumbled into my mouth. "What are you doing to me?"
"I'm loving you, Niall. Whether you like it or not. I'm trying to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence so that it's high all the time. I'm proving that you're perfect just the way you are and that I love you no matter what."
"What did I do to deserve you?"
I smiled and then kissed the small dimple that appeared on his left cheek when I did. "You were yourself even through all the crap, and I admired you for that. I fell in love with your quirky personality and your beautiful eyes. And I fell hard and fast and I don't regret a minute of it. We're together now, Niall. Forever. I mean it. I'm not going anywhere."
"Damn, baby." His voiced deepened as he pressed my back to the wall. "I'm sorry if I ever hurt you."
I shook my head, "Never Niall. I just want you to always be open and honest with me."
"What if I can't be?" He asked quietly.
"I'll still love you and I won't leave you."
"I don't deserve you." He whispered.
I shook my head as I grabbed his to look me in the eyes, "It's me that doesn't deserve you."
He kissed me again, deepening it briefly before pulling away.
The door to the bedroom opened and Belle walked out with Harry right behind her. "Um, yeah. She's hungry."
She had tear stains on her cheeks. Niall leaned down and she grabbed his biceps. He pulled her up and she put her arms around his neck. "Daddy." She whispered quietly.
"Yes, princess?"
"Mama sing? I eat?"
He cocked a brow, "Mama sing?"
My cheeks turned red and Harry began to chuckle.
"What's going on?" Niall asked.
I shook my head at Harry and covered Belle's mouth as she started mumbling again. Not like he'd be able to understand her anyway though.
"Kat?" Niall asked.
"What's going on? Why is she saying 'Mama sing'?
I shrugged my shoulders and tried to take Belle from him. He kept her close to his chest and tightened his grip.
"Tell me what she meant by that." He looked between me and Harry. "One of you better start talking."
Harry opened his mouth but I stopped him, "Don't say a word!" I threatened.
He put his hands up in surrender. "Ok. I won't, but he's gonna find out eventually."
Niall grabbed my wrist and pulled me right up next to him. "Tell me." He pushed.
I won't lie saying it sounded hot as his voice deepened and became raspy.
I shook my head.
"Katie Lee Marcus. Tell me you haven't kept something from me all this time."
"I-it's nothing, Niall." God, I was so turned on. He's got to stop.
His voice went even raspier, "Kat, you know I'll get it out of you eventually. You might as well tell me.
I sighed in defeat and a smile appeared on his face as I spoke. "You know I play the ukulele, right?"
"Do I?"
"Mate." Harry chimed in. "She plays it all the time."
I reached around Niall and slapped Harry's arm. "Shut up!"
"All the time, huh?" He eyed me. "Continue."
"Okay so um, anyway, I sing too."
"Ah!" He chuckled. "There it is! Alright!" He looked at Belle. "Should Mama play something for us?"
Belle giggled.
"That's a yes." He looked back at me. "Join us in the kitchen when you're ready, love. Can't wait." He leaned over and kissed my cheek before letting go off my wrist and walking toward the kitchen.
I turned and scowled at Harry, "Thank you so much for that, Hazza! Now get out before I tell Sydney on you."
"Got it. Bye Kat." He went in the direction Niall went.
"Bye Haz."
I sighed as I walked into the spare room and found Harold's case in the back of the closet. I hid it there so Niall didn't question it. There's just a part of me that is insecure about playing for him.
I took Harold out of his case and tuned him up. I pulled my small notebook and loose pages from the pocket of the case before walking to the kitchen.
"Hi." I said quietly.
Niall turned, "Hi beautiful." He looked down at Harold. "Beautiful instrument as well."
"Thank you."
He motioned to the stool in the corner, "Go ahead."
I padded over to the stool and sat. I looked at Belle. "What song, Belley?"
I nodded, knowing what she meant. "Okay. Here it goes."
You've brought peace into the castle You beautiful princess
Along with your father, the Prince
My knight in shining armor
We won't let anyone hurt you
The Prince and I will try all
Protect you with the guards
Bridge up and a moat around
Your giggle illuminates
Your blue eyes give life
Your hands hold my heart
You little ball of sunshine
I love you with all my heart
Even though you're not mine
This is my song for you
Little baby Belle
Niall clapped as I finished the song and Belle cheered.
Ni stood walked over to me, "That was beautiful, babe." His lips covered mine and they were forceful. I had to grab onto his forearm to keep from falling backwards. He pulled away and breathed heavily, "I had no fucking idea you could sing like that." He whispered, his voice deep and raspy.
"Y-you really liked it, then?"
His lips trailed across my cheekbone and down my neck. "Yes." He whispered.
"Ni. Belle is watching you right now." I whispered in response as his daughters blue eyes gave us a confusing look.
He pulled away slightly, "I'm more in love with you than I was before, Kat."
"Why? Because I can sing?"
"That, and because you wrote a song for my daughter."
"I wrote some for you too." I mumbled.
His eyes widened. Shit, heard me. "What was that?"
"I-I um, I wrote a few songs for you. Well um, actually more about you."
"Can I hear them?"
"Um" I pondered. "Maybe one?"
"Okay." He took his seat next to Belle again and continued to spoon bites for her. "Go ahead, love. I can't wait."
I smiled as I began the next one.
Verse 1:
I found in you
What was lost in me
You make my heart ache
Yet you're the antedote

Every time, Every time
Your laugh lights up the room
Your voice makes worlds move

Every time, Every time
Your beautiful blue eyes ends wars
Your smile breaks ocean's shores

Every time, Every time
Your strength sticks things together
Your passion rises the sun
Oh, Every time

Verse 2:
For all we know
The world is a ticking time bomb
Knowing you're here
It is my pillar of strength


You are the snowflake in a storm
You are the Prince in a fairytale


Your laugh, your voice
Every time, Every time
Your eyes, your smile
Every time, Every time
Your strength, your passion
Oh, Every time
When I had finished, I looked over at Niall. He had tears in his eyes.
I bit my lip as I tried to read his reaction.
He got up again and walked over to me. He took Harold from my grasp and placed him gently on the counter. His arms engulfed me and I put my arms around his neck.
"Did you like it?" I asked quietly.
"I." He kissed my lips. "Loved." He kissed me again. "It." He kissed me a thrid time and lingered a bit. "Baby, your voice is so beautiful and your lyrics are amazing." I kissed his cheek. "I can't believe I had never heard you. I can't believe I was the last person to hear you."
"I just wasn't confident enough with it."
His lips found mine again but this kiss was soft. "Baby, I never want to hear you say that again."
"I promise not to if you promise not to as well."
After another kiss, "Deal."
"More Mama!" Belle squealed.
Niall and I both chuckled.
"Okay, Belley. How about our new one this time?"
By the way, both of the songs in this chapter were written by my best friend Katie who was the inspiration for the main character.
She is on youtube so please go check her out! Her video of Every Time (the second song in this chap) is up top! Or at least its supposed to be.

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