Chapter 14

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Niall's POV

"Yo! Nialler!" Louis was yelling outside my hotel room door.

"What?" I yelled back. I wasn't dressed and I was not about to let Louis in to comment.

"Are you alive in there?"

"Yes. Now what do you want?"

"Harry wants to know where Kat is."

I sighed, "Kat's busy. What does he need?"

There was more knocking on the door. "Niall, it's Liam. I have your child and I'd like to know what to do with her."

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you have her, Li?"

"Harry came to my room, handed her to me and went back to his."

"Niall?" Sophia said softly from the other side of the door. "She's wet."

I groaned. "Oh my God!" I walked back to the bedroom and found my briefs.

"Who is at the door?" Kat asked.

"Every one."

"Every one?" She asked, cringing.

"I know, but apparently Harry dropped off Belle with Liam after he asked Louis where you were."

"Oh." Her cheeks turned red. I leaned across the bed and kissed them.

"Get dressed, love. I'll be back in a second."

I walked to the door and opened it.

Louis automatically laughed, "Oooh hoo." His hand covered his mouth.

Sophia turned around and Liam rolled his eyes.

"What?" I asked, a little pissed at being interrupted at 7am.

"Dude, you've got yourself a wild one." Louis stated.

"What are y-" I looked down. Sure enough, the 'small spot' Kat had made last night was in fact very large. "Sorry, Soph." I mumbled.

She shook her head, "It's cool, Ni."

I turned back into the room and grabbed a shirt.

"Okay, I'm covered."

Sophia turned around again and handed Belle over to me. Her bottom was definitely wet, but she didn't seem fazed by it.

"Da!" She squealed.

I chuckled, "Hi, princess." I kissed my daughter's cheek.

Liam handed over her diaper bag.

"Thanks, Liam. Thanks guys, I got it from here."

They all nodded and walked back down the hallway. I closed the door and walked back to the bedroom where Kat was just pulling on her gray Nirvana shirt.

"Every thing okay?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yes, however you left a rather large red mark on my collarbone." I laid Belle down on the duvet and pulled out a clean diaper and wipes from her bag.

"I-I did not!"

"Oh, but you did!" I pulled the top of my shirt down.

She gasped, "Sorry."

"It's all good." I went back to changing Belle's diaper. "Dang, Belley, you must have had quite the party with Uncle Haz last night!"

Belle giggled.

The bed dipped as Kat climbed across it to sit directly behind Belle's head. "Hi, baby." Kat kissed her head.

I leaned over and kissed Kat's cheek.

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