Chapter 13

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Kat's POV

After Belle interrupted our moment, I decided it was probably for the best. As amazing as last night was, I felt like Niall was hiding something from me. Maybe more than just one thing though. Mark hasn't been around; instead, it's been their old tour manager Paul. He's nice and all, but it makes me curious.

"Hey Belle." I said to the little girl as I picked her up from her playpen and cradled her close.

"Eee." She squealed.

I chuckled at her. "I love you." I kissed her cheek and then smiled at her. "How about we leave Daddy for a bit and go eat?"

The baby smiled and I left Niall's room.

My room was a bit smaller than Niall's, but then again I like the smaller space. I liked having Belle close to me. She reminds me so much of Niall; even the way she eats.

She liked whining for another bite before she was done swallowing the one she was currently eating. As she was right now with the crushed peas I was feeding her.

"Gee, I wish you'd slow down. You did this last night too, Belley."

I hated this part. The part of Belle's life when she's trying new things and exciting things are happening, but the person who matters most, her father, has to focus on something else.

But as I look at Belle, I can't help but wonder where her mother is. Who her mother is. Why her mother isn't here. Niall was quiet about it. He brought it up once, but I almost expected him to bring it up again now that Belle is beginning to know me as her mother. It was scary. I wanted to be a part of Niall's life. I think since the first time he said my name, I knew that he was the one. He didn't say it with anger, or disgust, or sympathy. He said with love and care.

Belle was one lucky little baby. She has a huge team and family around her loving her and nurturing her.

I wish I had had that the entire time I was growing up. I miss my parents, every single day. Every time my 'dad' touched me or yelled at me, I only wished for my father to return to me and save the day. I thought moving would get rid of the nightmares, but it didn't.

They didn't stop until I met Niall. He was my saving grace, my rock, my security. He and Belle are my family now, and I never want to lose that.

Niall's POV

"Mark! How is it going?" I asked into the phone. I finally decided to just distract myself with something else.

"Our progress is slow, Niall. There isn't much activity after Kat turned seven. He went off the grid a year after they moved."

"He has to be there somewhere, Mark! There's something fishy about her adoptive parents and her father. Have you found anything else?"

"There was one letter received by Kat in the time that she lived in the house next door. It was from her father, but by the looks of it, she never opened it."

Mark and Martin had travelled to Kat's hometown to find both houses completely empty and abandoned. Her parents' home was untouched. The other house was still owned by her adoptive parents but didn't seem to have had visitors in a few years.

They set up in a nearby hotel and went over one night. It was all empty, but had recent footprints. Her first home, was still full as if nothing had ever been gone through. I put in an offer on the house in secret and bought it. Mark and Martin had full access to everything inside. They were piecing together Kat's life for me. I wanted to know why Joseph Marcus was still alive but not contacting his daughter. Why he would leave his child with such horrible people for so long.

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