Chapter 25

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Okay, so these next few chapters are going to be SUPER short. Just remember that she's pregnant, and since I've never been pregnant I have no idea what to write about.

Also, this chapter may cause tears and I am sincerely sorry if you cry.

Carry on.

Niall's POV

"Tryin to find you but I just don't know, where do broke-" I dropped out again and Helena stopped everyone.


I looked over at her, "Yeah?"

"What's wrong? This is the fifth time this morning you've stopped."

I shook my head, "It's nothing."

"Why do I not believe that, Niall?" John asked as he walked into the practice room.

I rolled my eyes, "What do you want?"

"Helena and Paul said you were having some trouble in rehearsals yesterday so I came to have a listen."

I sighed and looked at Helena, "You told him?"

"Niall," She pressed, "Your first show is in two days and you haven't made it through one song yet. We still have ten more to practice before then."

The other boys looked over at me.

"Ni? Are you going to be okay to perform?" Louis asked.

I nodded, "I have to be Tommo. This is it."

I sighed as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at my lock screen. Sydney had taken a picture of Belle and Kat on Facetime with me the other day and sent it to me. "Alright, let's go again. I'm good." I put my phone away and walked back up to my mic.


Kat's POV

"Sydney! The concert is about to start!" I called from the living room where the live stream from Mark's computer was hooked up to the TV.

"I'm coming!" She ran in and sat down on the couch. "Do you know what is so damn important that we all have to watch?"

I shook my head, "Nope. No clue."

The screen went black, signally the concert was starting. The screams got louder but Mark's computer was hooked up to their sound system so it wasn't ear piercing.

As the boys came onto the stage and began their first song, I started to get a little nervous. Niall looked nervous. He was missing lyrics and beats like crazy.

I looked over at Sydney, "What is going on?"

She shook her head, "I don't know."

I grabbed her hand and we sat in silence. They performed their second song. Then they began talking.

Liam went first, like always. "Los Angeles! Welcome to the Memories Tour! How are you all doing tonight?"

The crowd cheered.

"Now, Louis!" Liam turned and Louis walked toward him with Niall and Harry in tow.

"Yes, Liam?"

"I think that since this is the first show, we should do something a little special. What do you think?"

Louis nodded and looked back at Niall and Harry who also nodded.

"Who wants to do it?" Niall said just barely loud enough.

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