Chapter 27

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Kat's POV

Less than two months and Niall will be home and we'll have the newest addition to our little family. Despite Belle's terrible whiney attitude, we're doing okay. Or so I thought..

Niall and the boys were in Australia. Perth, to be exact. So the time difference was about twelve hours. Which is why when I received a phone called from Liam at 2:15 in the morning, I was a bit concerned.

"Hello? Liam it's late! Why are you calling?"

"Um, hey. Yeah, so sorry it's so late."

He was slurring his words; badly.

"Liam are you drunk?"

"Well, um, yeah. That's kinda why I called." There was some rustling and then I heard him say, "Tommo stop I'm talking with Kat!"


"Yeah, sorry."

"What's going on?"

He stuttered, "We lost Niall."

My heart lurched inside my chest. "You what?"

"We're sorry! We lost him! He was right next to me and Lou and then we turned to hand him another drink and he wasn't there!"

I laughed out loud.

"Why are you laughing?!" Liam exclaimed. "This isn't funny!"

"I-i'm sorry. I'm laughing because you all are so stupid! Why are you out anyway? Don't you have a show tonight?"


"Find him Liam."

"We looked everywhere. We can't find him."

"Liam! I don't care if you looked everywhere. Go look again! Find him! Sober him up! And then make him Facetime me."

"Okay. I'm sorry Kat."

"Just find him."

I hung up the phone and called Niall's phone. It went straight to voicemail three times.

I finally left him a voicemail. "Niall, I love you. But I'm on my last straw. This is the fifth time in a month you've gone out and gotten wasted. I'm at home in London alone trying to take care of your daughter and you're taking me for granted. I need you to be a father. I need you to be that man who played his guitar over Facetime for his screaming daughter. I need you to be my husband. I'm not just your girlfriend anymore. I'm your wife. You asked me to spend the rest of your life with you. And I said yes, because I love you. Call me. Please."

Niall's POV

It's not that Louis and Liam are boring, because their not. It's that I'm already on edge and everything they were saying seemed to hit a nerve.

I wasn't sure where I was going. I know where I wanted to go, but I had no way to get there. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be done. Now it might be the alcohol talking partially right now, but I really do want to go home.

Of course I'll miss touring and being with the boys constantly because it was all such a huge part of my life for so long. I just want to be normal for awhile. No tours, no studios, no long trips for promo, nothing in the spotlight.

I wandered the streets of Perth, every now and then getting stopped to take a picture. I didn't want to be here anymore. My phone was dead, the lads were all drunk, and it was a normal night out, except that I left them all.

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