Chapter 12

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Niall's POV

It wasn't the sound of the door opening or the sound of it closing that got me to open my eyes. It was the sound of something dropping to the floor and shattering that made me jump out of bed and move ten feet from where I'd just been.

"What the hell?" Harry stood just inside the doorway to the bedroom. His phone in one hand and a glass on the floor; shattered.


He shook his head and he looked back and forth between me and Kat, who was surprisingly still asleep. "You're kidding me right?"


"Niall, I told you to be careful! Everyone frickin heard you last night! We just weren't sure where it was coming from!"

"Ok, before we discuss anything else, I'd first like to know what you're doing in Kat's room at eight am."

"She asked me to come and wake her up so she could go get Belle from Lou's room. Now it's your turn; talk."

I threw my hands up and sat back down on the bed, "Why should I? You're the only one who knew!"

"Knew what?"

Harry and I shot our eyes toward the doorway. Maggie and John stood there with their briefcases.

"Oh shit." John said as Harry moved just enough for our publicists to get a full view of the scene in front of them.

I groaned and ran my hands through my hair. "Fuck."

Kat shifted beside me. I couldn't let her wake up with everyone here; she'd be embarrassed.

I stood up and pointed to the door. "Everyone. Hallway." I whisper-yelled. I slid on a pair of sweats over the boxers I slept in and followed John, Maggie and Harry into the hallway.

Just as I stepped out, Lou was walking down the hall with Belle. "Niall! I need you to take her please! I'm needed in Liam's room." She passed me Belle and headed down the hall.

I held Belle as John began to pace up and down the hallway.

"Niall, we specifically told you that you could not be with her!"

"John! I'm in love with her! I can't change that! I can't even deny it long enough to stay away from her!"

"She's just a girl, Niall!" Maggie snapped.

"Just a girl, my ass!" Harry snapped back. "Niall has done everything you've asked him to do! Mostly. Anyway, he can't hide his love for her any longer!"

John pointed a finger at Harry, "You are not a part of this!"

"Actually, he is!" I countered. "Harry is the only person who has supported my decisions in the last year! He's also the only person who told me that if I loved Kat I would tell her and show her every single day! Harry has been nothing short of my best friend!"

"Harry is not you, or Kat, or your daughter! He is not a part of the problem!" John snapped.

"So you're basically saying that my family is the problem?" I asked.

"Kat is not your family, Niall!" Maggie yelled. "She's just a girl who is using you! She'll leave you after she gets what she wants! She won't stick around!"

"You know nothing about her or my relationship with her, Maggie! Kat is the second best thing to happen to me and I will not hesitate to take drastic measures for her!"

Maggie gasped and John was speechless.

"Y-you wouldn't!" Maggie stuttered out.

I stepped right up in her face. "Try me."

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