Chapter 8

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*the next morning*

Kat's POV

When I opened my eyes, I expected to see Niall and Belle still in bed; but they weren't. I sat up and listened for any sign of either of them; there were none. Niall's side of the bed was made and all of his clothes from yesterday were picked up. The room was spotless apart from my pile of things on the nightstand.

I climbed down from the bed and quickly used the bathroom. As I walked out to the living room I already knew they weren't here. The kitchen and living room were empty. The baby monitor was perched in between the couch cushions again. I listened, but it was silent.

I padded back to the bedroom and put the rest of my clothes back on. I grabbed my phone from my bag and dialed Niall's number.

"Good morning, pretty girl." He answered after the third ring.


"How'd you sleep?"

"Good. You?"

"Very well, thank you. I think we both did. Belle's in a really good mood today."

"That's great! I'm glad. So, um, where are you?"

"We're here."

"No, you're not. I just walked into the living room and didn't hear a peep from anywhere."

"We're in the studio."

"The what?"

"Open the door in the living room. You'll see steps. Walk down them and then turn the corner."

I went back into the living room and followed his instructions. Sure enough, the door I thought to be a closet led to a set of stairs. "Are you sure you're not planning on murdering me?"

Niall chuckled, "I can guarantee that's not my plan, Kat. Just come down here."

"Okay." I hung up the phone and put it into my pocket before heading down the steps.

I turned the corner and gasped. Niall had a full recording studio in his basement. I looked all around; all the walls had sound proof boards, which explain why I couldn't hear what I'm hearing now. The sound of guitars and drums and something I'd been dying to hear for a month, Niall's voice.

'I figured it out, I figured it out from black and white. Seconds and hours- Kat.'

There was a second voice, "No, Niall. It's 'maybe they had to take some time'."

"Shut up, Louis. I meant that Kat's right there."

I looked over and saw Niall point at me through a glass window. I waved. Suddenly, two more faces popped up and a boy with brown hair walked out from a door holding Belle.

"Hi. I'm Liam. You must be Kat."

I nodded, "I am."

"Well, come on in." He stepped back into the room and I followed him.

"Wow." I looked at all the panels and buttons around the room. "This is incredible."

"If you think this is cool, check that out." I looked to see him point through the large window.

I stepped up and took a look. There were guitars and drum sets and mics everywhere. Liam pushed over a stool and I sat down and watched the boys rehearse.

After awhile, they needed Liam, so he quickly showed me how to push start and pause and handed me a now sleeping Belle.

I got the hang of it, and pretty much knew when they needed me to pause the recording. Belle was perfect. After a bit, I put her on the floor on her mat so I could focus more on the boys.

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