Can't Be Happening

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Every door is locked. There's no way I can fit through the windows. And I'm fucking locked in the school for the weekend.

Way to go, Brendon!

Who ever thought to lock the school doors with keys, is a moron. Normal people use deadbolts. That would make my life easier. Then I could go home. No one will be here for the whole weekend and there's nothing I can do about it.

I decided to go try the doors in the back of the building again. Not that anything would have changed.

It's creepy being in school after hours. No lights on, the hallways are dark. All the classrooms are dark. I wonder if any of them are open.

God, this is going to suck. This is how ghost stories start in schools. I'm going to die.


The doors are still very much locked. I might as well just deal with it. I won't be out of here until Monday.

"You too?" I jumped at the voice behind me and turned around.

"Great." I rolled my eyes and started to walk past him. "I'll stay out of your way if you stay out of mine."

"Good idea," he said. "but wouldn't it be a better idea if we figured out a way to get out of here?"

I stopped and turned around.

"I've already tried. We're not getting out until Monday." And I walked away, leaving him in the hallway by himself.

How the hell does this happen!? How do I get stuck with him? This can't be happening.

I try my hardest to stay away from him during school hours, how am I going to do that when we're the only ones here, for a whole weekend?

He'll probably tell everyone that I planned it. That it was all a big plan to get ourselves locked in the school.

Then everyone will hate me even more.

Fuck you, Ross. Fuck you.


It's been a couple of hours since I ran into Ryan. I'm starving, but that's normal.

I haven't been eating much lately because I want to lose weight and if I eat, then that won't happen. But I'm sure a poptart from the cafeteria won't hurt.

I stayed on the second floor just sitting in the hallway, because there's nothing else to do. Ryan's not come up here at all, thank God. That's what's best for the both of us.

Can you believe we were actually friends once? Well, kind-of-friends.

Back in middle school, we'd get paired together for projects and sometimes we'd have to go to each others houses. But other than that, we never spoke to each other.

And then we got to high school. He was in most of my classes and he got seated next to me or in front of me. He actually seemed like he wanted to be friends until the day he told me to leave him alone and to go fuck myself. I never could figure out why he hated me so much.

Oh, and that one time at that party that we both got invited to. It was over the summer last year. Jon is best friends with Ryan and I'm best friends with Spencer and Spencer and Jon are best friends. I think they're more than friends, to be honest, but I won't get into that right now. Anyway, Jon's mom agreed to buy him a bunch of alcohol if he cleaned the entire house for two weeks. So that happened.

I arrived to Jon's house with Spencer and there was a lot of people there. People I didn't even know existed. And of course, Ryan was there.

Wearing his stupid pin striped slacks and his stupid white button up and his stupid face. He looked fucking hot and I hated him for hating me.

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