Rainy Days and Ruined Dates

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"I'll see you tomorrow." 

Ryan's last words to me since I made him leave. Two and a half weeks ago. He hasn't so much as called me, texted me, asked about his child. Nothing.

I've got a doctors appointment today and I texted him to let him know, just in case he wanted to come with, but he never replied. So fuck him.

There are a few people in the waiting room. Some pregnant, some not. I'm by myself and I'm nervous and scared and I wanna go home.

"Urie." The nurse called me back and I got up a little too quickly and rushed to go back. "We'll get your weight and then a urine sample." 

She motioned for me to step on the scale and she adjusted to weights. I watched the lever thing, whatever it's called, balance out and she wrote something down in her folder. 

"One hundred thirty eight pounds." She said. My eyes widened. I gained like ten pounds already! What the hell! "Bathroom is right here. You can give a urine sample and meet me in the third room." She smiled and walked away. I went into the bathroom and peed in the plastic cup and took it to the nurse.

She asked a bunch of questions like, how many pregnancies have I had, do I or have I ever had an STD and how many partners have I had.

Is this how all these doctors appointments go?

Finally, the doctor came in and asked a few questions. Then I got to leave.

I texted Ryan just to let him know about the appointment, but he never texted back. Not that it was a surprise to me.


Message to: Dallon Weekes

hey, can you hangout?

I haven't spoken to Dallon since the day he came over. I haven't even apologized to him for he way Ryan acted.

Message from: Dallon Weekes

Yeah. Can I come by?

Message to: Dallon Weekes

yeah :)

With my luck, this will be the day Ryan finally shows up.

A little while later, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"It's open." I said loud enough for whoever it was to hear. The door opened and Dallon walked. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hey. Your mom let me in."

"She lets everyone in." I laughed. Dallon sat down in the computer chair and looked down. "Something wrong?"

"No," he shook his head and looked up at me. "just waiting for your boyfriend to show up again."

"He's not my boyfriend. I haven't even talked to or seen him since that day." 

"Probably because of me, right?"

"No, I told him to leave. And he hasn't been back." Dallon mouthed an oh and nodded his head slowly.

"Well I'm sorry if I ruined anything between the two of you." 

"You didn't." I said with a shake of my head. "But lets not talk about him. He just puts me in a bad mood."

"Right, sorry." 

Dallon and I talked a little about music and movies and other pointless things. It was nice having someone else to talk to, other than Spencer or Jon. But Jon doesn't talk much, so it's really only me and Spencer talking. It's nice having another friend. And he's really cute and nice and he makes me smile and laugh. Too bad I'm pregnant. I could see Dallon and I being together. 

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